Use of Technology as a Student

  • Type to Learn

    Type to Learn
    Looking back on my years as a student, the first time I remember using technology was in 3rd grade (2008) when we could go to the computer lab once a week to learn how to type with the app called, Type to Learn. The program helped us with our hand placement and helped us get used to where each letter was located on the keyboard. Eventually, the program helped us to type words and simple sentences without looking down at the keyboard.
  • Gmail

    In 4th grade, we had computers in our classroom and each of us was given our own gmail username. This allowed us to communicate with teachers and other students in the district preparing us for life outside of school. This also allowed us to take responsibility by emailing teachers and students for help when we needed it instead of not taking action.
  • Blog posts for homework

    Blog posts for homework
    In 5th grade we started having daily blog posts due each night. The topic would be something personal about us or about something we learned in class that day. We were able to learn about each other and participate in discussions online outside of class.
  • Power Point Presentation

    Power Point Presentation
    After getting our own gmail accounts in middle school, my classmates and I were able to collaborate on powerpoint presentations outside of the classroom. We were able to contribute to a group project in our own, individual, unique ways while still following the guidelines.
  • Animation class

    Animation class
    In 7th grade, we had animation class which was an elective class I chose to take. I learned all about photo shop and how to make a short film with a character of my choice on a computer. I was able to express myself, my thoughts, and ideas in a different way compared to just writing them down. I was able to share and use my creative side which increased my love for school.
  • Ipads

    In high school, each student got an Ipad. With our Ipads, we had the choice to download our textbooks onto them, take notes on them, and even complete our homework and turn it in on them. Personally, I like to use a pen and paper to do homework but it was nice to have the option. I also prefer to use a handheld textbook when studying but some students prefer to do everything online. Giving us the choice was very helpful and accommodated more students than before.
  • IMovie

    In high school, I was introduced to Imovie which was challenging for me to figure out at first but it allowed students to present their understanding of material differently than just writing as essay. I remember specifically having to make an IMovie trailer for a book we read in English. Instead of just typing up an essay, I had the opportunity to do something fun and creative. This was great for visual learners and a nice way to share our work with our class.
  • Watching movies

    Watching movies
    In my Psychology class, my teacher often played a movie for us at the end of each unit, that was based on whatever personality disorder we were studying at the time. This was very helpful for visual learners like me because it gave me a different perspective of the material we we learning. We used a projector to play the movie off of my teacher's computer.