Use of technology

  • Tevelsion

    my first memory of a tv was watching Hannah Montana with my sister. I think TV has been a positive because people can watch it for entertainment and keep up with current events.
  • Blackberry

    Invented by Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin, the first Blackberry was released in 2002. Phones have had a positive and negative impact because people now want to be on their phones all day. Still, it has also given us access to everything, especially communicating.
  • Computer

    Bill Gates invented it because it was Microsoft. The computer has positively impacted life because people use it for work. It saves us from writing, which can cause hand cramping. And it takes more time.
  • Iphone 4s

    Iphone 4s
    Steve Jobs made Apple. I got the 4s in 2012 or 2013. I was considered "cool in third grade because I had this phone. I think the iPhone has negatively affected us because now all people care about is having the newest item Apple has to offer.
  • Laptop

    The one-the-go computer. Many companies have laptops. I have a Windows laptop that can also turn into a tablet. This has had a positive effect because many people use them to complete their school work and do their jobs. It makes life easier.