Edwin Drake
Edwin Drake drilled the first well to a depth of 21 meters. -
Creation of Sttandard Oil Company
John D. Rockfeller founded the Standard Oil Company. Then 70 companies comprised the Standard Oil Company. -
More rational oil exploitation
The Nobel brothers along with Rock Shale and Shell's sister companies encouraged more rational oil exploitation -
Dismantling of Standard Oil Company.
The Standard Oil Company was dismantled in 34 companies. -
Large deposits
Large deposits were discovered in Texas and Louisiana, establishing that refined petroleum fuel would be the automotive fuel. -
Anglo Persian Oil
Be create Anglo Persian Oil, currently BP -
First Giant Reservoir
In Azerbaijan one of the earliest giant oilfields named Vivi Eibat is discovered. It began to be exploited in 1901 -
Royal Dutch Shell
The Anglo-Dutch company Royal Dutch Shell, formed by Marcus Samuel and Henri Deterding -
Oil in Venezuela
In the decade of 1910, Shell and Standard Oil sent the explorers in search of oil in Venezuela -
First World War
Explote the first world war and with this comes the valorisation of oil for countries at war -
Monopoly on oil in France
In France there is a state monopoly on the import of oil -
Turkish Petroleum
Division of the Turkish Petroleum company, inactive since its inception due to the outbreak of war. It was divided into 25% for the French as compensation for war damages and the rest was renamed Iraq Petroleum -
Lake of Maracaibo.
New deposits are uncovered in the Lake Maracaibo basin. -
Iraq Petroleum
Iraq Petroleum discovers the first giant Middle Eastern site -
Standard Oil Contract
Standard Oil obtains a concession contract with the king of Saudi Arabia named Abdelaziz of one million square meters in the eastern zone, for fourteen thousand kilograms in gold coins. -
Workers' Sidicate
Creation of the oil workers' union in Mexico -
The national company of Mexico is created, which replaced the foreign companies (the big ones). -
Second World War
Massive use of mechanized and aerial forces was given so that oil ownership was critical to victory. The Soviet German pact is signed for the obtaining of oil by Nazi Germany from the Soviet Union. -
Fields of Indonesia
Hitler attacks the USSR to seize his oil and destine it to his army. -
End of the second world war
Oil becomes the most important source of energy in the post-war period, leaving coal in the background -
Largest oil supplier after the war
The large ones extended their activities all over Venezuela, which becomes the largest oil supplier in the United States. -
Creation of Saudi Aramco
Thanks to the discovery of several deposits, it became associated with Texaco and SoCal with Mobil and Standard Oil of New Jersey. -
Is founded ENI
Nrico Mattei founds Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI) -
Discovery of new deposits.
The site of Hassi Messaoud is discovered. Shortly thereafter the Hassi R 'Mel gas field is discovered. -
Negotiations with the Soviets
Mattei begins negotiations to buy crude oil and gas from the Soviets -
Gaddafi and oil
Gaddafi established a national oil company to control local distribution and then signed a cooperation agreement with the Soviet Union -
Increases oil price
Representatives of 6 OPEC Gulf oil countries decided to increase the price of crude. -
Construction of pipelines
The Trans Alaska pipeline is constructed, the strait runs through Alaska from the Prudhoe oil field to near Valdéz. -
On crude production
Saudi Arabia reduced production
Saudi Arabia continued reducing its production, until reaching less of the mital of its capacity -
Crisis in Russia
Russia's oil production fell by half. -
Union of two large companies
Total "absorbed" the oil company Fina -
The price of a barrel of oil rises
The price of the barrel broke the barrier of 30 dollars. -
Oil Consumption
Oil consumption had already reached the figure that the experts had predicted for 2016