
Usa History from 1900

  • 1920 BCE

    Women could vote

    Women could vote
    In 1920 women got the right to vote.
  • 1920 BCE

    Industralisation growth

    Between 1920 and 1929 the industrialisation growth in The USA.
    Electricity became more normal.
  • Period: to


    World war 1 was out in the world. Usa joined WW1 in on Germany in 1917.
  • The Wall street stockmarck crash. 1929-1933

    The Wall street stockmarck crash. 1929-1933
    Many people became unemployed after the wall street stockmarvk crash. The great depression started.
  • 1939-1945 World war two.

    1939-1945 World war two.
    Usa decided to join WW2, when Japanese attacked one of US navy base in 1941.
  • 1950s became better to live in USA.

    1950s became better to live in USA.
    The society growth, political, economic, millitary and in population. It was much good things in the society, but it became a coldwar
  • 1969

    Neil Armstrong becam the first person to walk on the moon in 1969.
  • 1970s

    Women got better rights. The Vietnamwar who started in 1955, ended in 1975.
  • 1986 Space shuttle

    1986 Space shuttle
    In 1986 a Space shuttle exploded, short time after take off. 7 persons who joined the space shuttle become killed.
  • 1991

    Usa dominated in the war against Iraq.
  • 9/11/2001

    A terror attack against Usa. Two planes crashed in the twin-towers.
    3000 people died.
  • Barack Obama become the first black president in 2009.

    Barack Obama become the first black president in 2009.