First Successful Natural Gas Well
Built by William Hart in Fredonia, New York -
Drake's Well
Edwin Drake created the first successful oil drilling well in Titusville, Pennsylvania with the help of George Bissell. This started the oil industry we know today. -
Edison's Light Bulb
This was the date that he did his first public demonstration of his light. Was conducted in Menlo Park. -
Pearl Street Station
Upon the invention of his light bulb, Edison needed a source of energy to distribute to power his light bulbs in people's houses. Thus, the Pearl Street Station thermal power plant was built.
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First Long Distance Power Lines
The lines linked a powerhouse in Willamette Falls to a string of street lights 14 miles away in Portland, Oregon. (Image of turbines in the hydro power plant). -
Niagara Hydroelectric Power Plant
Opening of hydroelectric power plant built by Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse.
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Shippingport Atomic Power Station
The Shippingport power plant was the first full scale nuclear power plant in the United States. -
Solar Cell
Bell Labs announce the invention of the first practical silicon solar cell. -
America's Consumption of Energy 2012
Primary energy consumption in the United States was about 95 quadrillion British thermal units in 2012. -
United State's Energy Consumption 2014
Block Island Wind Farm
The United State's first offshore wind farm just off Rhode Island. -
Keystone Pipeline
Has not been built yet. If built, it would carry crude oil from Canada to the United States.