

  • 1492

    America was discovered

  • The pelgrim Father said from England and arrived in the USA = thanks giving day

  • New Amsterdam = New York

  • Boston Tea Party

  • Declaration of indipendence = 4th July Indipendence Day

  • G. Washington 1st president

    13 states
  • 1861-1865 Civil War

    1861 A. Lincon president per abolizione della schiavità.
    1865 assassination of Lincon
  • Thomas Edison invented the light bulb

  • the five baraight of New York

  • USA entered in the World War I

  • The armistice was descovered

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • the Black Friday and the great depressions

    Roosevelt president = New Deal
  • Pear Harbour

    USA joined World War II
  • Atomic Bomb (WW2)

    the WW2 ended
  • 1947-1991 The Cold War

  • Jhon Fitzgerald Kennedy president

  • assassinated of Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas

  • the attack on the Twin Towers

  • Barack Obama president