
  • Protective Tariff

    A protective tariff encourages the purchas eof U.S goods.
  • World market&Industry

    The world market was becoming an economic power, something thast had a large effect on the world market were railroads.
  • Society&Industry

    The impact on society from the indutry boost was that people had easier access to goods and there was a growth in urban areas.
  • Enviorment&Industry

    The enviorment was badly affected, the factory and mining pollution leads to the ruining of land and there was an over using of farming which caused erosion of the land.
  • Jacob Riis

    Jacob Riis was a journalist that brings out the horrow of tenements to the public.
  • Macys

    Macy's was the first department store in the United States and to get their business they used widespread advertising.
  • Entraprenours

    An entrapenour is a creator or and investor. These were important in this time period because it helped with the growth of industry.
  • tenements

    Tenements are low cost and multi family lviing apartment like pkaces. They had poor sanitation and poor ventilation.
  • Yellowstone National Park

    This ia a national park that was created to preserve land.
  • Railroad Stike of 1877

    This strike started because the worker's wages were cut and it led to much violence and this strike prompted other strikes in the U.S.
  • Chinese exlusion act

    This act excludes Chinse laborers from entering the U,S and it limits the rights of the Chinese in the U.S.
  • Haymarket Strike of 1886

    This strike began in Chicago and started becaus the workers wanted an 8 hour work day and there was much violence, bombs, and many deaths.
  • Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

    This regulated U.S business.
  • "How The Other Half Lives"

    This was a book written by Jacob Riis that focuses on the life of gthe people that lived in tenements and how they were so bad,
  • Government&Tenements

    The government soon came to their senses and they located a new water supply and a filtration system for the tenements.
  • Sherman Anti-trust act

    This act stated that monopolies are illegal. and it regulates trusts.
  • Homested Strike of 1892

    This strike began because the worker's wages were cut and at this point the publi'cs opinion of the union was turning.
  • Pullman Strike of 1894

    This strike began becasue the workers wages were cut but the cost of living was NOT cut, this had to do with the America Railway Union.
  • Eugene vs. Debs

    These were the two men that refused to end the Pullman Strike of 1894 and were arrested for that reason and with this, the Union loses their power.
  • Push effect

    The push effect pushed people away from teh U.S and some examples of this were economic hardships, persectution, a lack of jobs, and war.
  • Pull Effect

    This is the act of pulling someone towards the u.s, some examples of this are jobs, there was cheap land, more freedoms, and family.
  • Mass culture

    This is the idea that common goods and values are found in most households. One thing that had a big deal in this was newspaper
  • Benefits of the city

    There were mnay beenfits of the city, people came for industry jobs, their were many opportunities for women, tehre were better schoold, and mcuh more entertainment.
  • Urbanization

    This is the increase of cities and their population, farmers stated moving to the cities.
  • "Melting Pot"

    This is the name given to manywhite nationalists merging into one culture . With this, many immigrants face hardships.
  • Laissez-Faire

    This is the idea that the government has absolutely NO control over privately owned busniesses in the U.S.
  • Americanization

    This is the process of teaching immigrants English, how to dress American, and how to eat American.
  • Rise of name brand

    Name brands are recognized and have distinct logos, when they were created, many people turned towards these to buytheir products.
  • Education and "Gilded Age"

    Kindergardens helped families in which both parents drive, public education over all spreads,curriculum focuses on business and industry, and there is much for college education.
  • Nativism

    This is the idea that U.S born immigrants were better than new comers.
  • Joseph Pultizer

    John Pultizer not only wanted the newspaper to spread news but to help stir up controversy
  • Consumerism

    Consumerism is when the economy has more money, more products, and lower prices.
  • Conspicuous Consumerism

    This is the demand for new products and had a lot to do with advertising and sales.
  • Idea of mass culture

    This was the idea that common goods and values are found in MOST households.