First national labor union.
First national labor union is created to create better working societies for the lower class workers -
Wilmot Proviso Amendment
David Wilmot proposed an amendment called the Wilmot Proviso which called for a ban on slavery in any territory that the United States gained from the war with Mexico. This resulted in the southern learders angrily denounching the proposal -
Antislavery Political Parties
The Wilmot Proviso spurred the rise of Antislavery Political parties like the Free-Soil Party which made a big impact on the abolishing against slavery -
The Compromise of 1850
California applies to enter the union as a free state and southerners are mad. To calm the southerners the Compromise of 1850 is created saying that all territory won from Mexico will be voted for if California comes in free -
Elisha Otis
Elisha Otis creates the saftey elivator that would not fall if the lifting rope would break -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom's Cabin which was a very anti-slavery book and it was very effectivce -
Republican Parties Emerge
Republican Party emerges to try and end slavery. Most Republicans were abolitionists, anti-slavery business leaders, and northerners who argued that the Fugitive Slave Act intruded into state politics. -
Election of 1856
Democrat James Buchanan against John C. Fremont who is the candidate of the new Republican Party. James Buchanan wins but Fremont gets one-third of the votes -
Dred Scott v. Sandford Case
Dred Scott was a slave that lived in free area for 5 years and so he believed he was free but when taken to the Supreme Court, they ruled that he was not free because he was "propertry" owned by slave holders -
Edwin Drake drilled the world's first oil well
Edwin Drake drilled the world's first oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania. This was a new way to obtain oil and it was much easier than boiling down whale blubber. -
Oil industry grows
The oil industry frew quickly affter 1859 and that sparked and encouraged the growth of related industries like kerosene and gasoline. -
Charles Darwin published the Origin of Species
This leads up to the creation of Social Darwinism, and it explains how the best in business will survive -
Election of 1860
Lincoln is nominated for the Republican candidate and Lincoln wins. This starts a chain reaction in the South -
Meeting in Charleston
This meeting was about the Southerners secceding from the Union because they were outraged about the presidency and so they decided to try and secced -
The Confederacy if formed
The Confederate States of America is formed because the Southerneres secceded from the Union because Lincoln is president -
Fort Sumter
Union troops station at Fort Sumter in the South are cut off and killed by southern men and Lincoln is outraged. The Union declares war on the South and the Civil War begins -
The Emancipation Proclomation
Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclomation in January of 1863. The Emancipation Proclomation said that all slaves in the Confederacy are considered free and cant be sold back to slaveholders by the Northerners. This helped turn the tide of the war by having slaves join the Union army -
The Battle of Gettysburg
A major battle in the Civil war that wiped out one-third of Lee's soldiers and was a major turning point in the war, this battle was the gateway to the Gettysburg Address. -
The Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address which was a speech that talked about what the Union was fighting for. This renewed the Union armies morale -
Total War is put into action
William T. Sherman led 60,000 troops in an act of total war. Total was is when you dont just attack the soldiers but you destroy farms, crops, towns, resources and everything they need to sustain life. -
The Thirteenth Amendment
The Thirteenth Amendment is passed and this officially abolishes slavery. -
Lee surrenders to Grant
The civil war ends and Robert. E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant -
Abraham Lincoln is assassinated
Abraham Lincoln is shot and murdered. Andrew Johnson becomes president and follows in Lincolns footsteps. -
The Fourteenth Amendment
The fouteenth amendment is passed and all slaves have been granted full citizenship and freedom. -
Uriah Smith Stephens
uriah Smith Stephens creats the labor union called the Knights of Labor -
The Fiteenth Amendment is passed
Johnson passes the fifteenth amendment, this allows all men to vote no matter what. -
The Chicago Fire
The Chicago Fire destroys the whole city of chicago other than a few buildings and 100,000 people were left homless -
Thomas Edison made the lightbulb
Thomas Edison creates the lightbulb and after 1999 failed experiments he made the lightbulb. Then he created a street-lighting systems that can light cities. -
The telephone is created
Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone which made communication a lot easier in the U.S. -
The Evening World
Joseph Pulitzer created the Evning World which were great and inexpensive -
Immigrants come to the U.S.
Nearly 750,000 immigrants come to America and the numebrs kept rising. The immigrants came for many reasons such as war and persecution. They came to America because of the freedom the can have. This was somewhat bad because they would steal all the jobs that the Americans need -
Entertainment is evolving
New forms of entertainment is becoming popular in the Americas because people hace more free time -
Immigrants come over to America
Immigrants are coming over to America and taking all of the American jobs that the Americans need -
The Haymarket roit
On May 1st 1886, workers in Chicago protested at haymarket square and a riot broke out after a bomb was thrown and a police officer was killed -
The Interstate Commerce Commission
The Interstate Commerce Commission is created by the federal body, it overlooked the American business operations -
Richmond Virginia creates the Mass Transit
The Mass Transit is created because of the transportation revolution -
The Sherman Antitrust Act
it outlawed and any trust that operated in restrain of trade or commerce among the several states -
Ellis Island
New York Harbor was where all the immigrants were being proccessed for America -
The homestead strike
Workers at the steel mill revolt against Andrew Carnegie and there was a battle over it. Called the Homestead Strike because Henry Frick brought in the Pinkertons to battle the labor union, but the labor union won after hours of battle -
Pullman Strike
300,000 railworkers walked off their jobs and the Pullman strike escalated and all railway traffic and mail delivery completely stopped. -
Boston Subways
To solve the problems of traffic jams, Boston decided to creatae underground subway trains -
Chinese restrictions were let up a little
Court cases said that any Chinese who was born in America meant that they would be Citizens -
After the 1900s
Eastern Europe and Southern Europe had made up 70% of all immigrants -
Gas powered engines
Gas powered engines helped transportation and helped reduce traffic jams in the city -
"Take Me Out to the Ball Game"
People were becoming involved with sports and entertainment more than they used to. -
Angel Island
A new place for immigrants to be proccessed. It was a very welcoming palce for immigrants and where Asian were coming over to. -
Effects of the Gilded Age
By 1910 there were over 5,000 Kindergartens that helped education and working class mothers since labor laws were made