great awakening and engliment
the great awakening was something that swept though thr colonist
and it changed coloiol culture by they bthoiught it would change the whole culture. Jonathen edweards was one of the best known preachers ands terrifed listerners.Geeorge was someone who drew many people with sermons. -
Geroge washington
He was the first presendent of the united states and was the commander of the colontiol army -
james madison
wa sa american statestman and polictal theorist -
french indian war
decided which natuion to control the norhthern anmdeastern parts of north america and there was a war between the british and french. The british won the battle -
sugar art
its also known as the american revenue or act -
stamp act
required all legal and a commercial documents stamp act law that required all lotion document that a tax had been paid -
townshend acts
it wa a parliament that had to passed town. it is law that placed taxes on various goods brought into the colonies -
boston massacre
when british solodigers opened fire on coloniests open fire obn coloniests hecked a brituish cenrury -
boston tea party
it gave them all freedom -
intoloerable acts
they boarded the 3 ships -
american revoulition
great britian won and gained there independence in the battle -
declaration of independence
it was a statement that the contioniol congress made to have freedom -
common sense
has a big place in moderen politics -
battle of trenton
it took place during the american revoulion -
valley foge
george washington spent most of his time hear during the war -
articles of co federatgion
was an agrement betweebn the 13 founding states -
battle of saratoga
it decided the fate of british -
battle of yorktown
it was a war with the british americans and french -
federalis and antifederalists
had to approve the constiution -
treaty of paris
the treaty of paris ended the revoulentary war -
proclamation of 1763
it forbaded colonies to settle west of the appilcations its an agrereemnt -
treaty of paris
ended the american revoulaterany when they signed -
shays rebillion
anti tax protest by farmers -
great compromise
was a agremment that large states meet small states -
lord cornwalls
Fought in battles he fought against the americans -
they used the three branches -
bill of rights
is a grouop of laws -
second coltinental congress
its ameeeitng of delicants in philedalpha -
battle of lexingfton and concord
the british soldiegers and american coloniets started theb begin of american revoultion