Us wwii


  • the United States declares its neutrality in the European War

    the United States declares its neutrality in the European War
    In an act to stay out of the war the Us declares it best for their country to stay out of the war effort and remain neutral
  • The Lend-Lease program is introduced into U.S. Congress.

    The Lend-Lease program is introduced into U.S. Congress.
    The Lend_lease program made it easier for the US to support Allies in their war effort, without becoming directly involved in the war them selfs.
  • The U.S. extends aid to the Soviet Union

    The U.S. extends aid to the Soviet Union
    In an attempt to keep out of the war, and help US allies at the same time, President Roosevelt, granted the Soviet Union $1 Billion in Lend-Lease loans. Where the Soviet Union were not to begin to pay interest, or begin repayment until five years after the war was over.
  • Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

    Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
    A surprise attack by the Japanese towards the US, reason to why the US decided to leave behind neutrality in the war and join the Allies.
  • U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan

    U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan
    The US ends it's neutrality stand point in the war, and join the Allies.
  • The first U.S. amphibious landing of the Pacific War occurs as 1st Marine Division invades Tulagi and Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands.

    The first U.S. amphibious landing of the Pacific War occurs as 1st Marine Division invades Tulagi and Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands.
  • The start of the U.S. using Submarine warfare

    The start of the U.S. using Submarine warfare
    With primary U.S. infantry being used on land during the war. The U.S. also expanded to Submarine warfare to oppose Japanese navel attacks.
  • The Allied invasion fleets sail out to Sicily

    The Allied invasion fleets sail out to Sicily
    July 10th, 1941, Allied forces land in Sicily and assist other Allies in the take over of Sicily. Encountering little resistance from the enemy it was little trouble for the US to take over the Mediterranean.
  • One last amphibious assault by the 7th Army is conducted. The Germans now in full retreat to the northern tip of Sicily.

    One last amphibious assault by the 7th Army is conducted. The Germans now in full retreat to the northern tip of Sicily.
  • Battle of Omaha Beach "D-Day"

    Battle of Omaha Beach "D-Day"
    The US Army forces arriving at Omaha beach face a prepared, stout and veteran defense made possible by the German 352nd Division. Even with the odds out of their favor, the US takes the beach out of German control.
  • U.S. Nukes Hiroshima

    U.S. Nukes Hiroshima
    First instance of Nuclear warfare used by the U.S. Dropped by plane, the "Little boy" was te name of the Bomb that was dropped on top of Hiroshima.
  • U.S. Nukes Nagasaki

    U.S. Nukes Nagasaki
    The second and Last Atomic bomb dropped on Japan by the US.,The "Fat Man" is dropped on top of Nagasaki, which ultimately leads to the Japanese surrender in WWII