Jamestown was the first permanent settlement in Virginia. -
Period: to
World History 2 Timeline
Start of Slavery
Weren't used much at first. However, by 1700, most labor needs were filled by the forcible importation of Africans. -
House of Burgesses
1st elected assembly in the New World. Still operates today as the "General Assembly" -
Mayflower Compact
Document where they agreed to obey laws created for the general good. Pledged loyalty to God and the king. -
French and Indian War
English (Anglo) - French rivalry led to the conflict. Both countries wanted the land west of the Appalachians and in Canada. -
Treaty of Paris (1763)
England gained the land west of the Appalachians and in Canada from France -
Proclamation of 1763
England prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachians. -
Stamp Act
Placed tax on legal documents -
Boston Massacre
A mob of anti-british demonstrators formed and British troops fired into the mob. 5 colonists died -
Boston Tea Party
England put restrictions on tea. Colonists boarded tea ships in Boston and threw the tea in the water -
1st Continental Congress
Met in Philadelphia and urged colonies to form militias. Meeting of representatives from all 13 colonies except Georgia. Issued a statement of colonial rights -
2nd Continental Congress
Created the Continental Congress and George Washington was general. Issued the "Olive Branch Petition" which was the final peace offered that was rejected. -
Lexington and Concord
British troops attacked a colonial weapons stockpile. Minutemen assembeled and fighting erupted in Massachusetts -
Declaration of Independence
Issued by Continental Congress and was written by Thomas Jefferson from Virginia. Colonies officially separated from England. -
French Gen. Marquis de Lafayette developed a plan. Cornwallis surrenders. -
The Treaty of Paris
England acknowledged American independence. The united states' boundaries: Atlantic Ocean and Mississippi River -
Washington's Presideny
First president of the United States -
Judiary Act of 1789
Set up the court -
Cotton Gin
Invented by Eli Whitney. Made cotton growing very profitable. -
Adam's Presidency
Defeated Jefferson in election. Federalist. -
Reservation System
-Indians were forced off their lands into smalled and smaller reservations -
Assimilation Policy
-Plan under whch indians would be forced to adopt American culture -
Gabe Prosser Revolt
Richmond, Virginia -
Jefferson's Presideny
First peaeful transfer of power from one party to another. -
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson bought land from France. It doubled the size of the U.S. Included land from the MIssissippi River and Rocky Mountains. -
Marbury v. Madison
Marshall declared a law unconstitutional . Established power of judicial review. -
War of 1812
British interference with American shipping. British aid to indians in the west. -
McCulloch v. Maryland
Marshall upheld the federal governments rights to establish a bank. Showed the court could meditate between states and federal government. -
Missouri Compromise
Divided the Louisiana Purchase at 36,30. North of line were free and south of line we slave. Missouri was a slave state and Maine was a free state. -
Age of the Common Man
Time when democracy in the U.S. expanded and more people got involved in the electoral process. Americans no longer let aristocrats make all the decisions. -
Susan B. Anthony
-Strong leader of Women's sufferage -
Gibbons v. Ogden
The court overturned a steamboat monopoly. Confirmed the federl governments power of commerce. -
Monroe Doctrine
By President Monroe. Warned Europe against: future colonization in the Americas, interference in any independent country in the western hemisphere. -
Jackson's Presidency
Personified the the "democratic" spirit of the age. He challenged the economic elite, he appealed to the common man voters, not the wealthy aristocrats. -
Indian Removal Act of 1830
Law was passed by Jackson's request. It forced all Indians east of the Mississippi River to move to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) -
Nat Turner Revolt
Southampton, Virginia. Led band of 80 slaves against 4 plantations. Was caught and hung. -
Battle of the Alamo
Alamo: Old Mission house, Texas fortified themselves there. Mexican General Santa Anna attacked with superior forces and fought until their last man died. -
Battle of San Jacinto
Texas won independence. Led by Sam Houston and established the Republic of Texas -
U.S. Annexes Texas
Took over Texas -
Mexican War
Mexican war (1846-1848) President James Polk urged the war. Wanted the southwest and Mexico wouldnt sell. Defeated Mexico easily. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. -
Seneca Falls Convention
1st women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, NY. Leader: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and issued the Seneca Falls Declaration -
CA Gold Rush
1848: Gold was discovered and "49ers" rushed to CA -
Compromise of 1850
CA entered as a free state. Southwestern territory would decide on their own. -
Fugitive Slave Law
Part of the Compromise of 1850. Made it easier to catch runaway slaves. Many northerners refused to enfore this law. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Book by Harriet Beecher Stowe and portrayed the evils of slavery, was widely read and increased support in the North for abolition -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Repealed the Missouri Compromise by giving KN and NB "popular sovereignty" meaning they could choose. -
Kinghts of Labor
Founder: Uriah Stevens -
New Immigrants
-Southern and Eastern Europe
-Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Yugoslavia
-China and Japan -
Old Immigrants
-Northern and Western Europe
-Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden -
Chinese Exclusion Act
-Banned entry of almost all Chinese -
American Federation of Labor
Founder: Samuel Gompers
-"Craft Union": only skilled workers from multiple industries
-Used "collective barganing": Unions and employers negotiate -
Haymarket Square
-Knights of Labor in Chicago
-Bomb went off near police
-8 strikers convicted -
Dawes Act (1887)
Goal: Americanize the Indians
1. Broke up reservatoins and divided them into individual plots
2. Legally abolished tribes -
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
-Prevented "any business structure that restrained trade"
-Goal: outlaw trusts (monopolies)
-Wasn't successful -
Homestead Strike
-Carnegie Steel Plant
-Plant manager Henry Frick called the Pinkerton Detective Agency
-Major gun battle -
American Railway Union
Founder: Eugene v. Debs
-Railroad workers
-"Industrial Union": skilled and unskilled workers from one industry -
Pullman Strike
-By Pullman railroad workers
-Started nationwide RR boycott
-Fed. gov't. ended it -
Open Door Policy
-By Secretary of State John Hay
-Gave all nations equal trading rights in China
-Called for fair competition
-Goal: end U.S./European competition
-Urged foreigners to obey Chinese laws -
Spanish-American War
-Cubans rebelled against Spanish rule -
Treaty of Paris 1898
-U.S. annexed Puerto Rico, Guam, and Phillippines
-Cuba became free -
Boxer Rebellion
-By Chinese "Boxers"
-Goal: Remove foreign influence
-failed -
Progressive Movement
-Early 20th century reform movement
-It used the government to institute reforms to fix problems caused by industrialization -
Platt Amendment
-U.S. asserted the right to intervine in Cuban affairs -
Roosevelt Corollary
-Roosevelt added to the Monroe Doctrine
-Reminded Europe not to interfere
-said U.S. would use force to protest it's interests in Latin America -
Great Migration
-Period from 1910-30 when many African Americans moved from rural south to northern cities -
17th Ammendment
-Voters elect Senators now (not legislatures) -
16th Ammendment
-Creates federal income tax
-Is a "progressive tax": higher incomes pay higher rate -
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
-Expands Sherman Anti-Trust Act
-Outlaws price-fixing
-Exempts unions from Sherman Act -
Federal Trade Commission Act
-Creates FTC
-Investigates business practices -
Panama Canal
-Roosevelt encouraged Panama to break from Columbia
-Panama Succeeded
-Gave U.S. rights to build canal
Finished in 1914
-Connected Atlantic and Pacific -
U.S. Enters WWI
- German submarine warfare
- Zimmerman Telegram
- U.S. had close ties to Great Britain
-U.S. remained neutral for 3 years
-Europe 1914 -
Treaty of Versailles
- Punishment of Germany -War guilt cause -Had to pay reparations -Couldn't have army
14 Points
-Wilson's Peace Plan
-Goal: Eliminate causes of war -
19th Ammendment
-Women gain right to vote -
18th Amendment
-Banned alcohol
-Bootleggers: alcohol smugglers
-Speakeasies: secret bars -
Harlem Renaissance
-Explosion of black intellectual and cultural life -
Immigration Restriction Act
-Put a quota of how many immigrants could come from each country
-Allowed more from "old immigrant" areas than "new immigrant" ideas
-Effect: basically ended immigration for several decades -
Scopes Trial
-TN teacher John Scopes was tried for teaching evolution
-Trial sparked a national debate over revolution -
-New union -
-President in 1928
-Believed in "Rugged Individualism"
-Called for more individual effort
-Favored limited government -
Great Depression
-The stock market crash signaled the beginning of the Great Depression
-However, it was not the only cause -
Black Tuesday
-October 29th, 1929 is when stock market crashed -
Dust Bowl
-Horrible drought on the Great Plains -
-Ran against Hoover and crushed him in votes
-Promised "New Deal"
-Democrat -
New Deal
-Franklin D. Roosevelt promised a "New Deal" -
-Federal Deposit Insuarance Corperation
-Insures bank deposites
-Regualtes banks -
Wagner Act
-Protected workers rights to form unions and angage in collective bargaining -
Social Security Act
-Biggest New Deal program
-Provides safeguards for workers
-Disability and unemployment compensation
-Old-age pension -
Fair Labor Standards Act
-Set maximum work hours and minimum wages -
Non-Agrerssion Pact
-Stalin and Hitler agree not to attack each other -
War In Europe Begins
-Final Cause: Germany invaded Poland from the west -
Pear Harbor
-Japan attacks Pear Harobr, Hawaii -
U,S, Decalares War
-U.S. declares war against foreign nations -
-Normandy invasion
-Led by Eisenhower
-Allies landed in German-occupied France -
Battle of the Bulge
-German counteroffensive
-Allies soon recovered -
Korematsu vs. U.S.
-Supreme court allowed internment -
Division of Germany
-"Iron Curtain"
-Winston Churchill's nickname for the line that separated democratic West Europe and communist East Europe -
Cold War
-The uneasy peace after WWII. marked by a rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, lasting from 1945 to 1991 -
V-E Day
-Allies from West and Soviet Union from East overran Germany
-Germany surrendered -
Nagasaki A-Bomb
-Japanese cities where atomic bombs had been dropped -
Hiroshima A-Bomb
-Atomic bombs dropped in Japanese cities and there were countless deaths -
Miracle of Midway
-U.S navy beat a larger Japanese force
-Ended the threat to Hawaii -
Nuremburg Trials
-Post war trials of Nazis for war crimes in the Holocaust
-Many convictions -
Marshall Plan
-Massive US financial aid package to rebuild Europes economies
-Goal: Prevent spread of communism -
Berlin Airlift
-Soviets blockaded West Berlin
-U.S. flew in supplies -
Selective Service Act WWII
-Drafted 10 million men into the military -
Communist Takeover in China
-Leader: Mao Zedong
-US Reaction: increased fear of communist world domination -
Korean War
-Divided Korea: North-Communist and South-Democratic
-North Korea invaded South Korea -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
-Eisenhower's Nuclear Policy: "Massive Retaliation" - The US would use an all-out nuclear attack to totally destroy the Soviets if they attacked with nukes -
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg
-Gave atomic secrets to the soviets
-Electorcuted -
-Part of "The Space Race"
-Soviets launched Sputnik into space -
-North Atlantic Treaty Organization
-Main Goal: Prevent a Soviet invasion of Western Europe -
Warsaw Pact
-Alliance among Soviet Union and East European countries
-Both sides maintained large military forces in Europe -
-JFK's inauguration
-"Ask not..."
-US would "Pay any price.." -
U2 Incident
-Frances Gary Powers was shot down while spying over the Soviet Union -
Berlin Wall
-Between East and West Berlin -
Cuban Missile Crisis
-Soviets stationed nuclear missiles in Cuba
-JFK demanded their removal and blockaded Cuba
-World came close to nuclear war for many days
-Soviets "blinked" and removed their missiles -
JFK Assassination
-Dallas, TX
-Lee Harvey Oswald
-Shook America's confidence
-Began a period of internal strife