Kennan's Long Telegram lays out Containment Policy
Truman Desegregates military
USSR gets atomic bomb, Chinese Communists Win; NATO formed
The Korean War Begins
I Love Lucy Airs; First Color TV
US Tests H-Bomb
Korean War Armistice
Brown Vs Board of Education ends school segregation
Rosa Parks arrested; Emmett Till murdered
Bus Boycott successful; Interstate Highways Built; Elvis becomes popular
Soviets First in Space with Sputnik 1
NASA formed
JFK Elected; Greensboro sit-ins; SNCC founded
Failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba
Cuban Missile Crisis
March on Washington "I Have a Dream Speech"; JFK Assassinated
The Civil Rights Bill Passed; LBJ Elected
Malcom X Assassinated; Selma Marches; The Voting Rights Bill Passed
Black Panther Party formed; NOW founded
Summer of Love, San Francisco
Nixon Elected; Tet Offensive in Vietnam; MLK Jr. Assassinated
Woodstock Concert; Stonewall Riots; Man on the Moon
Kent State Shootings
Nixon Re-elected; Nixon visits China; Watergate scandal begins; Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in schools
Roe vs. Wade legalizes abortion; US withdraws from Vietnam; Arab Oil Embargo cause gas prices to soar in US
Nixon faced with Impeachment, Resigns, Ford becomes president and pardons Nixon
Vietnam War Ends
Carter Elected
Harvey Milk Assassinated
Iran Hostage Crisis
Reagan Elected; Beginning of HIV epidemic in US
Reagan Re-Elected
Scandal of Iran Contra Affair breaks
Bush Sr. Elected
End of the Cold War, Fall of Soviet Union