Lost Colony
The lost Colony was founded on Roanake Island and was sponsered by Walter Raleigh. -
The first succesful permanant english settle ment was established on the virginia coast. It was lead by John Smith and 105 cavaliers. -
House of Burgesses
Was the first representative assembly in the new world, and held at Jamestown on july 30 -
Pilgrims left on mayflower and landed at plymouth on dec. 26. They had 103 passenders when they landed. -
Roger Williams
Roger Williams founded providence as a democratically ruled colony with seperation of church and state. -
Navigation Act
British parliment passed an act that regulated colonial commerce to suit English needs called the Navigation acts. -
Nathaniel bacon
Nathaniel Bacon led planters against autocratic Sir William Berkeley, and burned jamestown. The rebellion collapsed when bacon died, and 23 followers were executed. -
William Penn
made payment for pennsylvania lands when he signed a treaty with Delaware Indians. -
Witchcraft Delusion
In Massachusetts 20 alleged withches were executed by court. -
Benjamin Franklin
Published the first poor Richard's Almanack -
Influenza epidemic
swept through New York City and Philadalphia -
Zenger Trial
After criticizing the British governor's conduct in office, John Peter Zenger was acquitted of libel. -
Great Awakening
The Great Awakening was a relgous movement in the 1740's that was a period of religous revival. Jonathan Edwards was a major figure in the revivalist Great Awakening -
Boston Massacre
British troops fired their weapons into a Boston mob, killing 5 people. -
Boston Tea Party
On december 16 a group of protesters ent on board cargo ships and dumped 32 chest of tea into the boston harbor -
Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts were created to punish the citizens for the boston tea party. The acts barred the use of the harbor until tea was payed off -
battles of lexington and concord
British had 273 casualties. Pual Revere rode horse back across a great distance to alert that the British were coming. -
Common Sense
Thomas Paine wrote common sense to convince people to want to seperate from england. It produced about 100,000 copies that were sold to the publict. -
Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation was adobted by congress on nov. 15, but wasnt put into effect until 1781. -
France signed treaty
France signed a treaty with the U.S. offering help wich forced the british to evacuate philadelphia. -
The Bank of North America was incorperated. -
Massachusets declared slavery illigal in that state -
Northwest Ordinance
The Northwest ordinace was adobted by the continetal congress and set the orderly pattern of growth in the territories. -
bill of rights
The Bill of Rights was submitted into the states and put into effect. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Farmers protested in the west over liquor taxes. -
Farwell Address
Washington delivered a speech that warned against permanent alliances with foreign powers. -
Alien and Sedition acts.
Acts passed by federalist intended to silence political opposition. -
Marbury v. Madison
The supreme court voted against a government law. -
Lewis & Clark
Lewis and Clark go on an expidition to explore the western territories. -
War of 1812
The War of 1812 was caused by britain seizing U.S. sailors, Britain seizing U.S. ships, and Britain giving aid to the Indians -
spain ceded florida to the u.s. -
Trail of Tears.
The Indians were forced to walk from georgia to oklahoma in October. -
Mexican War
After previous fighting the U.S. declared war on may 13, and Mexico declared war on may 23. -
California Gold Rush
Gold was discovered in California causing people to emigrate to California. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe published this book to show the harshness of slavery. -
13th amendment
The 13th amendment which abolished slavery was ratified.