Period: to
Civil War( Beginning to End)
Lincoln's Assassination
13th Amendment
Period: to
14th Amendment
Transcontinental Railroad completed
15th Amendment
Hiram R. Revels becomes first black senator
The Panic of 73' (starts depression)
Battle of Little Bighorn
Compromise makes Hayes president, ends reconstruction
Tuskegee Institute founded
Tennessee passes law segregating railroad cars (other states soon follow)
Chinese Exclusion Act
The Haymarket affair/massacre
American Federation of Labor created
Dawes Act
The Chicago World's Fair (aka Columbian Exposition)
Lynchings peak in United States (1890s)
The Panic of 93 (leads to depression)
McKinley election
Plessy v. Ferguson, rules "separate but equal" and Jim Crow segregation laws are legal
US Annexation of the Philippines
McKinley assassination