Panama Canal Treaty
Carter signed a treaty that would give control to the people in Panama by the year 2000. -
Peace Accord
A peace accord was signed by Menachem of Isreal and Anwar Sadat of Egypt. There were two Camp David agreements. The first was for self governing the authority in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. This recognized the rights of the Palestinian people. There was also an agreement to withdraw Isreal soldiers from both areas. -
SALT II Agreement
A treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union that discussed arament control(arms race). They talked about limiting the amount of nuclear power they had. THis includes thermonuclear war heads as well as vehicles with missle launchers. -
Tax breaks or other economic benefits provided by the government to business and the wealthy will benefit the poor by improving the economy as a whole. -
Air Traffic Controller Strike
13,000 members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization refused to work anymore because they wanted higher wages, a shorter work week, and better retirement benefits. Reagon told them to return to work in 48 hours or they would be terminated. -
Strategic Defense Initiative
Invasion of Grenada
A military group in Grenada revolutionized their government. The United States intervened so that they could defeat the Grenadian resistance. -
1986 Bombing of Libya
The United States Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps bombed Libya in response to the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing. In the bombing of discotheque, a bomb was placed underneath a DJś table in a venue where it was common for United States troops to visit. The bomb had killed three people and had injured many others including 79 American servicemen. -
Iran-Contra affair
This was a political scandal in the United States. Administration officials secretly sold arms to Iran. Reagon had thought that this would free the hostages, which it did. Iran had thought that reagon was going to send troops in to bomb them if they didnt compromise. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
It was signed into effectiveness by George H. W. Bush. This act prevents discrimination of people that have disabilities. THe original intent of this law was to make it a civil rights law. -
Gulf War
This was code named Operation Desert Storm. It was a war raged by coallition of 34 nations led by USA against Iraq because of Iraqś invasion and annexation of Kuwait. -
Clean Air Act
This act supported other air acts in the past. Its main goal was to clean air-reducing urban smog, curbing acid rain, and eliminating industrial emissions of toxic chemicals. -
An agreement signed by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. It was made to eliminate the barriers of trade between these three countries. -
Executive Order 13099
Prohibitng transactions with terrorists who threaten to disrupt the Middle East peace process. -
War on Terror
This phrase was first used by George W. Busghh. The United States had tried stopping militant Islamist Al Queda and any ties to them. -
USA Patriot Act
This was signed into law by George W. Bush. It was made to unite America and strengthen it in the fight against terror. -
Obamaś Economic Stimulus Program
This saved and made 3.3 million jobs for American citizens. -
New Start Arms with Russia
This was a Nuclear Arms reduction treaty. Between the USA and Russia, strategic nuclear missle launchers will be reduced by half, -
Dont Ask Dont Tell Repeal Act of 2010
Stopped from preventing openly gay and lesbian people from serving in the United States Armed Forces. -
2011 Libya Military Intervention
Many coalitions bombed Libya until they found Muammer Gaddafi. He was later captured and killed by his own people. He was out of power once the war settled down. -
Osama Bin Laden Assassination
Operation Neptune Spear was ordered by Barack Obama. He ordered a Navy Seal team by the CIA to infiltrate the living quarters of Osama Bin Laden and assassinated him. -
Budget Control Act
This act brought a conclusion to the 2011 United States debt-celing crisis which was a financial crisis. This means that the money borrowed by the federal government of the United States at any one time through the issue of securities by the Treasury and other federal government agencies. -
Ended the War in Iraq
Obama announced thaty U.S.A. trainers and soldiers would leave Iraq by the end of the year. -
National Energy Policy
Included conservation, price control, and new technology.