Faas ap120510155522

US Involvement in The Middle East

  • US launches Desert Shield

    US launches Desert Shield, places troops Saudi Arabia
  • Operation Desert Storm

    The US led coalition of 34 nations launches operation desert storm to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait
  • End of Operation Desert Storm

    A ceasefire between the US and Iraq reaches to the end of Operation Desert Storm
  • US launches cruise missile attack

    The US launches a cruise missile attack and destroys Iraq's intelligence headquarters in Baghdad in response for an attempt in assassination of president George H.W Bush 2 months before
  • US launches Operation Desert Strike

    The US launches a cruise missile against Iraq air defense targets in the south
  • Obama Ending Combat Operations

    Obama announces to end all combat operations in Iraq by August 31, 2010 and withdraw all troops by the end 2011
  • US withdraws troops

    The US completes withdrawal of all troops of Iraq