US intervention in the middle east

  • SAUDI ARABiANS have first contact with american missionary doctors in Bahrain

    SAUDI ARABiANS have first contact with american missionary doctors in Bahrain
  • SAUDI ARABiA an american finances exploration for minerals and water

  • SAUDI ARABIA the founder of saudi arabia asks americans for help in finding oil

  • SAUDI ARABIA arab american oil compny begins work

  • Period: to

    US intervention

  • SYRIA CIA backs coup to oust the elected goverment

  • IRAN CIA backs coup to oust leader

  • IRAN iranian oil is previtized with US and Britian in control

  • US atempts to block the merge of Egypt and Syria

  • IRAQ US aids curdish rebals to remove the iraqi regime that is friendly to the Soviet union

  • IRAQ US backs a coup to remove Communist influences

  • IRAQ US supports curdish uprising that would weak in Iraq and strength in Iran

  • US ends support of the kurds of Iraq

  • IRAN iranian hortage crisis: 16 americans are help hostage for 15 months after iraniansstorm the US embassy

  • IRAQ Iran iraq war U.S remains neutrial

  • Iran U.S is caught selling weapons to IRAN in order to fund anti-communists

  • IRAQ Launches chemical weapons at the kurds even though the U.S continues to support the Iraqi goverment

  • IRAN US mistakenly shoots down an iranian passenger flight killing 290 people

  • IRAQ U.S lead coalition invade Iraq after Iraq invaded Kuwait

  • IRAN U.S renews trade ban

  • IRAQ U.S continues to fund anti-saddam hussein fighters in Iraq

  • SAUDI ARABIA 9/11 attacks in NYC, 17 out of 19 highjackers were Saudis causing damage to the relationship between S.A & U.S

  • IRAN/ IRAQ president Bush identifies these 2 countries as part of the "Axis of Evil"

  • IRan Earthquake kills 50,000 people; U.S supplies direct aid

  • U.S invades in order to remove WMD's; continues fighting for 8 years

  • PResident Bush vows to "foster democracy in every nation"; Iraq holds first national democratic elections

  • IRAN president of Iran sends letter to President Bush asking to open a responce dialogue; Bush gives no response

  • IRAQ U.S combat troops leave Iraq

  • SYRIA Obama proposes strike on Syria after using chemical weapons