Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
Who: Japanese & Americans
What: Japanese attack pearl harbor
Where: Pearl Harbor
Outcome: 200 american warplanes were destroyed, 18 warships have been sunk or heavily damaged, including 8 of the fleets 9 battleships. Japan lost just 29 planes -
American Declaration of war
Who: American
What: America declares war on Japan
Where: Pearl Harbor
Outcome: American are at war with Japan -
Battle of the Coral Sea
Who: American naval forces & Japanese
What: Battle of the coral sea
Where; The coral sea northeast of australia
Outcome: The japenese destroyed the Lexington and badlydamaged the Yorktown another carrier. One japanese carrier sank, another lost most of its planes and a third was put out of action. The battle also opened a new chapter in naval warefare, it was the first naval combat carried out entirely by aircraft. From now on aircraft and aircraft carriers would play the central role on water -
Battle of Midway
Who: Japan & US
What: Japan tried to destroy the remaining fleet of the US near midway island some 1,100 miles northwest of Hawaii
Where: MIdway island
Outcome: The sinking of four Japenese carriers, combined with the loss of 250 planes and the most of japans skilled naval pilots was a devastating blow to japans navy. Americas victory was much owed to commander Joseph Rochefort. -
Battle of Stalingrad
Who: Soviet union
What: Battle between Germans and the soviet union
Where: Stalingrad
Outcome: The battle of Stalingrad was the turning point of the war in eastern europe. Germanys seemingly unstoppable offensive force was over. After the soviet unions victory soviet forces struggled to regain lost territory -
Battle of Guadalcanal
Who: Allies & Japanese
What: Battle of Guadalcanal
Where: Guadalcanal
Outcome: Provided the marines with the first taste of jungle warefare. Both sides landed thousands of reinforcments in five months of fighting. After several fierce naval battles the american navy took control of the waters around the island in november limiting japanese troops by land -
Operation Torch
Who: British
What: British american invasion of french north africa
Where: french north africa
Outcome: It opened the doors for the americans to invade europe -
D-Day/Battle of Normandy
Who: Allied forces
What: The invasion of western Europe
Where: Omaha Beach
Outcome: After breaking Gernan defenses Patton led his army on a successful sweep across northern France -
Battle of the Bulge
Who: Germans & Allied forces
What: Germans pushing into the allied forces and pushing it back and forming a bulge in the allied line
Where:Belgium & Luxembourg
Outcome: The battle was the largest battle in western europe during Worldwar 2 and the largest battle ever fought by the US yet the germans realized the war as a loss -
Battle of Iwo Jima
Who: Americans & Japan
What: Battle of Iwo Jima
Where: Iwo Jima
Outcome: Americans lost 25,000 casualties. The united states awarded 27 medals of honor for actions on Iwo Jima more than any other single operation of war. Americans won the battle of Iwo Jima and raised the united states fkag in Mt. Surbachi. -
Battle of Okinawa
Who: Allied forces & Japan
What: Battle of Okinawa
Where: Okinawa
Outcome: 7,200 japanese forces remained to surrender, for the american forces 50,000 casualties made the battle of okinawa the costliest engagement of the pacific war yet the allied forces cleared a path to japan -
V-E Day ( Victory in Europe)
Who: Germany
What: Germany surrendered
Where: Berlin
Outcome: Allied forces defeated geramany and hitler commited suicide -
Dropping to the atomic bomb on Japan
Who: Enola Gay
What: Dropping the atomic bomb on japan
Where: Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Outcome: Hiroshima & Nagasaki got destroyed -
V-J Day ( Victory over Japan)
Who: Japanese
What: Japanese surrendered
Where: Aboard the USS Missouri in tokyo bay
Outcome: The long destructive war finally came to an end -
Nuremberg War Crimes Trial
Who: Allied forces Vs Germans
What: Trial for death sentences against germans
Where: American courthouse
Outcome: Of the 24 nazi defenders, 12 received the death sentence -
Establishment of the nation of israel
Who: Nation of Israel
What: Nation of israel reborn
Where: Israel
Outcome: Establishment of the nation of Israel