Phillipine insurrection
This took place affter the Mexican American war, and was when the Us started using its military strenght to take control over the Phillipines. It lasted from June 2, 1899 to July 4, 1902. -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
This was a treaty regarding the Panama Canal by the United States. This is an example of American Imperialism because when the US made this they used military power to take control. -
Roosevelt Corollary
This document was a corollary to teh Monroe Doctrine and created in 1904. This is a refelction of Imperialism because the US used some of the econmic power to tell Europeans that if they made land or interfere with America that theyd have porblems. -
Cuban Intervention (1906)
This event happend when the United States assumed Military control over Cuba under the Platt Amendmet. This reflects American Imoerialism, because the US is using its poiltical and military power to gain control over Cuba. -
The great white fleet
The great white fleet was a very popluar namedused to reffer to United States Navy battle fleet that completed a trip around the globe from 16 December 1907 to 22 February 1909. -
Panama Canal
Is when the United states started using its strength to expand power outside of its boundreies. This refecets imperialism because the US is oversteppinf it boundries to extend its power -
US occupation of the Dominican Republic
was one of the many interventions in Latin America undertaken by the military forces of the United States. Its a refelction of Imperialism because the United states is using the power it has with its military to take control of another country