US immigration

  • The first African slaves arrived in the English colonies

    The first African slaves arrived in the English colonies
  • First wave of immigration

    First wave of immigration
    In this period, around 700.000 mostly Europeans immigrated to America. In addiction, there were the African slaves.
  • Culmination of the first wave of immigration came just before the outbreak of the War of Independence

    Culmination of the first wave of immigration came just before the outbreak of the War of Independence
  • It became illegal to import new slaves

    It became illegal to import new slaves
    At that time 375.000 slaves had been shipped from Africa to the United States
  • Second wave of immigration

    Second wave of immigration
    1810-1870 In this period, seven million people immigrated to the United States. The Irish and Germans were particularly numerous.
  • Third wave of immigration

    Third wave of immigration
    1880-1910 In this period more than 20 million people immigrated to the United States. Mostly europeans, but also Chinese people.
  • fourth wave of immigration

    fourth wave of immigration
    1965 - today