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US History: VHS Summer: Joshua Silvanus

By Josh04
  • Old Immigration

    Old Immigration
    Refers to the immigration of Irish, German, and Anglosphere immigrants to the new world. All of whom had one or multiple of the following characteristics: well educated, well-endowed in terms of financial capability, were protestant other than Irish, and were able to speak or understand English.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    Between the Confederacy and Union over the rights of the southern states of slavery over African-Americans. Outcomes being the dissolvement of the Confederacy and the victory of the Union, the emancipation proclamation, and the industrialization base of the United States being laid.
  • Period: to


    Learn about the ways how the US shaped and was shaped by global events as it increased its international presence during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. How social, political, and economic policies and struggles of the latter half of the 1900s have shaped the twenty-first century.
  • The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War
    The conflict occurred due to US interests in Cuba and the Philippines, both of which were colonies of Spain. The mysterious explosion and sinking of the USS Maine was the casus bellum. One notable outcome was the end of Spanish-colonial rule and the acquisition of these territories for the US.
  • American Imperialism

    American Imperialism
    The effect the United States had on other countries through cultural, economic, and military influence.
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  • World War 1

    World War 1
    What initially started as a conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary quickly escalated into a whole World War where all the major powers of the world became involved. This gave rise to two opposing alliances--the Central Powers and the Allies. This was the first war where new industrial-manufactured weapons were introduced and caused mass destruction. The brutality, pain, and loss experienced in the war reached a depraved new height.
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance
    African-Americans and women started to make and forge new identities for themselves by defying the previous social norms. Whereas black artists and women were once upon prohibited from sharing and enjoying the limelight at large festivals and gatherings, with the introduction of Speakeasies, they became the centers and flourishing grounds of these new sorts of occupations and art styles.
  • International/Intergovernmental Organizations

    International/Intergovernmental Organizations
    An entity created by a treaty or ratification that involves two or more nations to work on issues of common interest with the same common ground and understanding.
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  • Establishment of the League of Nations

    Establishment of the League of Nations
    The first intergovernmental super-entity, whose main goal following the First World War was the preservation of World Peace. Woodrow Wilson, the President who led the US into WW1, was a major advocate for the League of Nations due to calls from Congress about maintaining US isolation. However, the United States never formally joined the League of Nations.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Following the stock crash of 1929, which had only been exponentially growing since 1923, coupled with weakened foreign markets and declining value of the international gold standard, what was the end of social and lifestyle increases and reforms in America gave way to mass unemployment, decreased immigration, and an overall deterioration of living conditions not seen since the Civil War.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The initial event that forced the United States into WW2. In an unprovoked act of violence by the Japanese Empire to deter American embargoes on oil and steel, the Japanese using long-ranging Zero aircrafts and, after months of practice on the fake reconstruction of the US naval base of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, attacked the base and destroyed the majority of infrastructure and naval vessels docked at the base.
  • VJ-Day

    The war in the Pacific against the Japanese continued. In the face of defeat, the Japanese resistance intensified, as shown by the massacres at Iwo Jima and Okinawa. In an attempt to reduce allied casualties while also attempting to break Japanese morale, the United States, after dropping two atomic bombs over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, received total surrender from the Japanese government, signaling the official end of WW2.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    The international and political policy of the United States government following President Truman which focused on the limitation of the spread of communism both internally in the US and externally throughout the world.
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  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    The second-longest war the US has ever engaged in before Afghanistan, the Vietnam War, was a major conflict in which the US supported the pro-capitalist Southern Vietnamese government against the pro-Communist government of North Vietnam led by Ho Chi Minh. Despite all their superior and ethically questionable technology, the US was unable to defeat and break the Vietcong resistance. President Richard Nixon withdrew the last American troops in 1975.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The closest the Cold War got to “heating up,” the Cuban Missile Crisis was an international event between the United States and the Soviet Union over the various placements of nuclear armaments against each other. The two states resolved the issue when President JFK and General-Secretary Nikita Kruschev agreed to mutually remove nuclear weapons from their respective positions, while the US also promised to not threaten the island of Cuba militarily again.
  • Modern Feminism

    Modern Feminism
    Women in American society wanting to break the gender stereotypes associated with them and fight for their own rights. "Not every woman wanted to wear pearls and bring her husband his pipe and slippers when he came home from work. Some women wanted careers of their own." Betty Friedan, in 1963, published a book called The Feminine Mystique, which struck a nerve and birthed a new feminist movement. The National Organization for Women was established in 1966.
  • The Washington March: “I have a Dream” speech

    The Washington March: “I have a Dream” speech
    Considered to be the height of the Civil Rights movement in America when the March on Washington began having public speakers in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. addressed the nation with one of the most powerful speeches ever written and recorded. He outlined the many problems of racial violence and hate that the country faced, coupled with a beautiful hope of a nation that no longer possesses innate hate for one another one day.
  • Globalization

    The process by which the interchange of political, economic, cultural, and technological resources gave rise to international integration.
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  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    What initially started as Operation Desert Shield as an attempt to secure the US-allied Saudi government from the invasion of Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi government, led to the US and allied invasion to reclaim Iraqi occupied Kuwait. The conflict ended in a swift and decisive victory for the US and its allies and reassured US military, diplomatic, and political supremacy in the new post-Cold War world.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    In the Spring of 1991, often referred to as the Spring of Revolution, due to the increasing liberalization and opening of the USSR and the increasing tension between the people of the various Soviet satellite states and their governments, the Soviet Union along with the entire Eastern Bloc collapsed in a year. This would officially mark the end of the Cold War, with America and its allies emerging as its victors.
  • Commercialization of the internet

    Commercialization of the internet
    The internet transition from being a small closed network shared amongst few scientists and the military into a nationwide phenomenon that involved businesses, new job creation, and new forms of information exchanged and learning.
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