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US History: VHS Summer: John Langlais

  • Period: to

    1877 - 2011

    The time period between the late 1800s and modern day was a vast change for our country and the world as a whole.
  • The Haymarket Riot

    The Haymarket Riot
    This began as an 8-hour work day protest by some workers. Someone (Still unknown) had thrown a dynamite bomb at police officers as they were dispersing the crowd, gunfire ensured and left 8 officers dead. 8 anarchists were tied to the affair, 4 were convicted and executed, and another killed himelf.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism (or the yellow press) is journalism that instead of focusing on facts and accurate reports, it uses eye-catching headlines that will sell more papers.
  • Imperialism

    Imperialism was a word that began being thrown around in the late 1800s about America, we had become such a massive country that many soon thought that we were and empire.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    The fire started on the Eighth and quickly set fire to the rest of the building, 146 died and 71 were injured. Most of the victims were young women working as seamstresses. This fire led to fire exits on buildings and better fire prevention.
  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    The Lusitania was the turning point for most americans' opinion on the war. The Lusitania had departed from New York on May 1st. The ship carried almost 2,000 people. On May 7th a German U-boat saw the Lusitania and fired without warning. The ship quickly sunk, killing most of its passengers, including 128 americans.
  • The Zimmermann Telegram

    The Zimmermann Telegram
    The Zimmermann Telegram was a secret German message to Mexico. The telegram was intercepted by Britain and decoded later that month, the telegram said that if Mexico helped the germans and attacked America from the south the germans would reclaim the territory Mexico had lost. Mexico declined the offer.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance was an age of black culture. It started in the late 1910s with a play written by a white playwright. The play was called Three Play of a Negro Theatre. This showed negro actors depicting complex emotions and yearning.
  • Stock Market Crashed

    Stock Market Crashed
    It began on October 24th, the stock market had reached an all time high and people began selling like crazy. Shortly after no one was buying anymore and panic began. People flooded Wall Street in a panic, this was the begining of The Great Depression,