The Lone Star Republlics
The Mexican Governemt wanted a buffer zone against the Comanche tribe. Mexicn used Texan settlers to build a human zone aaginst the Comanche tribe. Mexico used Texan settlers to build a human shield on what is now Texas. Mexico had demands of their new Texan settlers. -
Alamo Mission
Mexico sent 5,000 troops to the Alam Mission and slaughtered 187 Texans. -
Period: to
US History: VHS Summer: Crystal Bougneit
This timeline decribes a time period of 1877 to 2011. This will help others to view my work and I can view others as well. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
The Chinese Exclusion Act was the first law to ban by race or nationality the immigration into the United States. The two messages do contradict each other, especially when looked at giving each one equal value. But we must remember The Chinese Exclusion Act was a federal law, The New Colossus is a poem. -
Emma Lazarus’s famous poem The New Colossus
Which is written on a plaque and mounted inside the Statue of Liberty. I summarize its message as; we welcome all who yearn to breathe free. -
World War 1 Starts
http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-iThe world’s first global conflict, the “Great War” pitted the Central Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against the Allied forces of Great Britain, the United States, France, Russia, Italy and Japan. The introduction of modern technology to warfare resulted in unprecedented carnage and destruction, with more than 9 million soldiers killed by the end of the war in November 1918. -
World War 1 Ends
Grreat Depression statrts on Black Tuesday
Great Depression Over
The BIg # in Yalta
Yalta Confrence held from the 4th to the 11th seated from left to right are the big three allies leaders. Prime Minister winstom churchill of the united kingdom, president Franklin D. Rossevelt of USA, and Premier Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union. -
Bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
if US forces invaded Japan we could incur 1.7-4 million casualties and Japan 5-10 million. With the Atom Bomb about 110,00 deaths were created. -
The United Nations
The United Nations started with 51 member states, there are currently 193. The purpose of the UN is to create a place for all nations could come together. Discuss grievances and solve issues without violence. -
The Berlin AirLift
The Berlin Blockage took place from April 1948-1949. The USSR blocked railways, roads, and canals to cut off access to WEst Berlin. Supplies flown in ensured the newly founded approved form of government would succed in post war Germany. -
Executive Order 9981
Presenident Harry S. Truman abolished racial discrimination in the US Armed Forces. He wrtoe "There shall be equailty of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard tp race, color, religion or nation origin." -
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan
she states "In almost every professional field, in business and in the arts and science, women are still treated as second-class citizens. -
Reagan Doctrine
http://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/ho/time/rd/17741.htmBring down the Berlin Wall, the collapse of Communist Germany. This was a result in the Reagan Doctrine, which pledged support to “Freedom Fighters”. The United States helped aide rebels in Afghanistan fight against the Soviet Union. I think this type of fighting cost the Soviet Union, and they had to loosen their grip on Communist territories and eventually started the end of the Cold War. -
The Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty
President Reagan eliminated an entire class of existing nuclear weapoms. Frist in History. -
Sex Sandal
President Clinton had a sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky, Dec 16 1998 impeached by the house of representatives the senate finds him not guilty of prejury and obstruction of justice on feb 12 1998 -
Successes of President Clinton
Feb. 4, 2000 US Economy has set a new record for its longest uninterrupted expansion -
Fareed Zakaria wrote The Post-American World
"The rise of the rest is a conseuence of American iddeas and actions." Other countries such as china, india, and korea have adopted american ideas in business about of open markerts, open trade, free market economics. because america has done well it created a global fascination with america. -
Obama Current Approval Ratings
President obama approval rating started out very similiar to Reagan's and Clintion's were the rating of high 58% disapproval low 17%. then similar to the other president his approval started to fll in 2010. Obama's approval rate has two number changing places at around th 50% mark for 4.5 years, until july of 2013