US History Timline

  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    In 1792 Washington and Adams are re-elected president and vice president. Kentucky enters the Union as the 15th state
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    In 1794 farmers in Pennsylvania protested the tax on whiskey. U.S. troops defeat the Shawnee Indians near the Ohio River
  • Quasi War

    Quasi War
    In 1798 Quasi War begins. France attempts to bribe U.S.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    Alien and Sedition Acts restrict political opposition. Orders deportation of "Dangerous Aliens"
  • 1800 Presidential Election

    1800 Presidential Election
    The year is 1800. Jefferson and Burr tie for president. They defeat Adams and Pinckney.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    US Declares war on Britain over issues of borders, trade, freedom of the seas and the rights of neutrals

    The year is 1814. The British have attacked Washington DC and burned it to the ground.
  • Old Southwest

    Old Southwest
    Alabama & Mississippi is opened to migration after defeat of Indians in the Creek War.
  • 1816 Presidential Election

    1816 Presidential Election
    James Monroe and Daniel Tompkins are elected president and vice president
  • 1817 First Seminole War

    1817 First Seminole War
    Begins with attacks on settlers in Florida and Georgia
  • 1819 Mc Culloch vs Maryland

    1819 Mc Culloch vs Maryland
    Supreme Court upholds Federal Govt. to charter a national bank.
  • 1820 Fourth Census

    1820 Fourth Census
    U.S. Population totals 10 million, including 1.7 million African Americans
  • Missouri Compromise of 1820

    Missouri Compromise of 1820
    Passed by Congress allows admission of Missouri as a slave state
  • 1820 Presidential Election

    1820 Presidential Election
    Monroe and Tompkins are re-elected as president and vice president
  • 1821 Missouri enters the Union

    1821 Missouri enters the Union
    Missouri enters the Union as the 24th state under the Missouri Compromise.
  • 1821 First American Settlers Arrive in Texas

    1821 First American Settlers Arrive in Texas
    First American settlers arrive in Texas (300 Families) led by Stephen Austin
  • 1822 Slave Rebellion

    1822 Slave Rebellion
    Slave rebellion led by Denmark Vesey is crushed in Charleston, South Carolina
  • A.C.S establishes Monrovia

    A.C.S establishes Monrovia
    American Colonization Society establishes Monrovia (Liberia)
  • Brazil Becomes Independent

    Brazil Becomes Independent
    Brazil becomes independent from Portugal
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Europe is warned not to interfere with western hemisphere affairs.