US History Timeline-Sky Hammond

By 203491
  • Period: Aug 3, 1492 to

    US History Timeline- Sky Hammond and Claudia Sella

  • Oct 12, 1492

    1492 - Columbus “Discovers” America

    1492 - Columbus “Discovers” America
    In 1492 Cokmbus tried to sail to Spain but ended up in the Bahamas on Augest 3, when he found america.
  • Jun 24, 1498

    1497 - John Cabot claims North America for England

    1497 - John Cabot claims North America for England
    On June 24th 1498, Cabot came to Labrador, which he claimed for England. He had wanted to get to the Far East, but like Columbus, Cabot found the America instead on the way.
  • Jun 9, 1534

    1534 - Jacques Cartier explores the Great Lakes and the the St. Lawrence River

    1534 - Jacques Cartier explores the Great Lakes and the the St. Lawrence River
    Jacques Cartier became the first European explorer to discover the St. Lawrence River on June 9, 1534, present-day Quebec, Canada.
  • 1585 - Virginia colony of Roanoke Island established by Walter Raleigh

    1585 - Virginia colony of Roanoke Island established by Walter Raleigh
    The Roanoke Colony on Roanoke Island in Dare County, in present-day North Carolinais were Walter Raleigh exstaablished Roanoke Colony.
  • 1607 - Captain John Smith explorer and founder of Jamestown

    1607 - Captain John Smith explorer and founder of Jamestown
    He was an English adventurer and soldier, and one of the founders of the Jamestown settlement. He found it on May 24,1607.
  • Slaves feld Jamestown.

    Slaves feld Jamestown.
    Twenty slaves in Virginia Africans brought to Jamestown are the first slaves imported nto Britain’s North American colonies. Like indentured servants, they were probably freed after
    a fixed period of service.
  • Mayflower Compact- 1620

    Mayflower Compact- 1620
    The Compact was an assocsiation and agreement. The original was destroyed but they have compies of it.
  • 1635- First Public School (Bostin Latin School)

    1635- First Public School (Bostin Latin School)
    This was the first public School ever established in the United States.
  • 1636- First College- Havard College

    1636- First College- Havard College
    It was the first institute for higher education in north America colony, established at Cambridge in Massachusettes.
  • Slave Trade begins

    Colonial North America's slave trade begins when the first merican slave carrier,Desire, is built and launched in Massachusetts.
  • 1689-English Bill of Rights

    1689-English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights was to make sure the King couldn't control the colonies and choose their religions for the people. It was officially a document in 1689.
  • 1749- Ben Franklin and the Lightning Rod

    1749- Ben Franklin and the Lightning Rod
    This man chased thunder storms on horse back with a key in his hand and eventually he discovered the lightning rod, and brought electricity to an everyday use to our lives.
  • 1754-1763 French and Indian War

    1754-1763 French and Indian War
    This war lasted seven years. It was against the British.
  • 1763- Proclamation of 1763 by King George III

    1763- Proclamation of 1763 by King George III
    The Proclamation declared where the people who were controlled by the King could go. It was the Boundries he set for the people in the 13 colonies.
  • 1765-1766 Stamp Act

    1765-1766 Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was to help pay the cost of defending and protecting America.
  • Santa Claus

    Santa Claus
    Santa the fat man we know in a red suite today used to be a man in a green suite and he went around giving presents to all the children on Christmas.
  • 1775- 1784 Revolution

    1775- 1784 Revolution
    The Revolution or the Revolutionary war was the colinies against the British to gain their freedom. On July 4th 1784 America became independent from the British.
  • 1776- Declaration of Independence

    1776- Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of independence declared that the original 13 colonies during the war would now be considered official independent states.
  • Vermont frees all slaves

    Vermont frees all slaves
    Vermont was the first conlony to free all of their salves in 1777.
    It set a huge example for all states around the country.
  • 1781--1787 Ariticles of Confederation

    1781--1787 Ariticles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation were used from 1781- 1787 because they weren't very succesful and were weak. So they later made the constution.
  • 1787- Constitution

    1787- Constitution
    The Constitution was born in Pennsylvania and was the replacment for the Articles of Confederation. It explains the branches of the national government and is the second oldest document still used in America.
  • Delaware

    Delaware was the 1st state in the USA
  • Pennsylvania

    The State Dog is the Great Dane.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    The State insect is the Honey Bee.
  • Georgia

    Georgia was the 4th state in the USA
  • Connecticut

    the State Insect is European mantis
  • Massachusetts

    The state incect is the Lady bug
  • Maryland

    Maryland was the 7th state in the USA
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    The State spider is the Carolina Wolf Spider
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    The State fruit is the Pumpkin.
  • Virginia

    State Shell is the Oyster
  • New York

    New York
    The state fruit is the Apple.
  • Period: to

    George Washington

    George was the first presdent for the United States. He was born February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia and he died on December 14, 1799, at Mount Vernon, Virginia.
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    The State Bird is the Cardinal.
  • 1790

    1790 - 4 million
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    The State flower is the Violet.
  • Vermont

    The state flower is the Red Clover.
  • 1791- Bill of Rights

    1791- Bill of Rights
    The Bill of rights was sort of like the United State's ten commandments. It was used to pretect peoples rights, and their freedom to believe what they want to.
  • Kentucky

    The state wild animal is the gray squiral
  • 1793- Eli Whitney- Cotton Gin

    1793- Eli Whitney- Cotton Gin
    In 1793 Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin. The Cotton Grin removes seeds from cotton, making it easier to use cotton for clothing and other substances.
  • 1795-11th Amendment

    1795-11th Amendment
    The 11th Amendment was to overrule the U.S, Supremes Court desicions for people dealing with the law issues in the court. It was the first Amendment for the Constitution after the Bill of Rights.
  • Tennessee

    The State wild flower is the Iris.
  • Period: to

    John Adams

    He was the second presedent and was a lawyer before he became the present of the USA. He was on congress for 4 years.
  • 1800

    1800 - 5.3 million
  • Period: to

    Tomas Jefferson

    Tomas was the 3rd president and his nickname was Man of the People. His mothers name was Jane Randolph Jefferson and his dad was Peter Jefferson.
  • Ohio

    The state tree is the Buckeye.
  • 1804- 12th Amendment

    1804- 12th Amendment
    The 12th Amendment explains what the procedure for the president elections and vice president elections was. It basically was explained how the citizens would have to vote.
  • Period: to

    James Madison

    James also known as "Father of the Constitution" was our 4th president of the united states. He graduated from the collage of New Jersey which is now know as Princeton University.
  • 1810

    1810 - 7.2 million
  • Louisiana

    The state incect is thew honey bee
  • 1812-1815 War of 1812

    1812-1815 War of 1812
    This war was fought between the British and the Americans over British violations
  • Indiana

    the state bird is the cardinal
  • Period: to

    James Monroe

    James Monroe also known as Era-of-Good-Feeling President was the 5th president of the United States. He was born on April 28, 1758, in Westmoreland County, Virginia and he died July 4, 1831.
  • Mississippi

    The state animal is the white tailed deer :)
  • Illinois

    Illinois was the 21st state in the USA
  • Alabama

    The State Butterfly and State Mascot is the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
  • 1820

    1820 - 9.6 million
  • Maine

    The state cat is the Maine coon cat
  • Missouri

    The state bird is the blue bird.
  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams

    John graduated from Harvard Collegein 1787. He was the 6th president of the USA.
  • 1829- The Graham Cracker was invented

    1829- The Graham Cracker was invented
    The Graham Cracker was invented by a man named Sylvester Graham. It is a cracker sort of like a cookie with a sweet and salty taste.
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

    Andrews nickname was Old Hickory. He was our president but had no formal education! Now days we would not see this happening.
  • 1830

    1830 - 12.8 million
  • 1831- Indian Removal Acr (1838 Trail of Tears)

    1831- Indian Removal Acr (1838 Trail of Tears)
    This Act made by the president of the United States which was Andrew Jackson in 1830 forced all of the Native Amercians living east of the Mississippi River to move west of the river. It was eventually turned into a law in 1831.
  • 1833- Oberlin College

    1833- Oberlin College
    This was the first college in the United States to accept Women.
  • 1835- Oberlin College

    1835- Oberlin College
    In the 1835 this college that had already accepted women, accepted African Americans.
  • 1835- 1836 Texas Revolution

    1835- 1836 Texas Revolution
    They Texas Revolution lasted a year, and it is when we battled to get Texas from Mexico.
  • Arkansas

    The state incect is the honey bee
  • 1837- U of M moved to Ann Arbor

    1837- U of M moved to Ann Arbor
    The University of Michigan was founded in 1817 that was in Detroit Michigan moved to Ann Arbor in 1837.
  • Michigan

    Michigan is home of the Great Lakes.
  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren

    His nickname was The Little Magician. His politcal views were democrat and his religon was dutch reformed.
  • 1839- Vulcanized Rubber- Charles Goodyear

    1839- Vulcanized Rubber- Charles Goodyear
    This rubber was invented in 1839 by Charles Goodyear. This is the rubber that we use on our tires present time. It was to make rubber materials less sticky because it is much stickier then other rubbers and has a much more stable and strong hold then other rubbers.
  • 1840

    1840 - 17 million
  • Period: to

    William Henry Harrison

    He gave the longest inaugural address on March 4. It was an very cold day and Harrison did not wear a hat while giving the 105 minute speech. He caught pneumonia and died in the White House a month later.
  • Period: to

    John Tyler

    He had a nickname of Accidental President. His politcal party was Whig. He was a laywer before he was the president.
  • Baseball - Alexander Cartwright

    Baseball - Alexander Cartwright
    Alex helped form the rules of the game of baseball and was an amazing player himself. He is in the hall of fame.
  • Florida

    Florida was the 27th state in the USA
  • Period: to

    James Knox Polk

    His nickname was Young Hickory. Hickory seemed to be a common word in nicknames back then.
  • Texas

    The state insect is the Monarch Butterfly
  • 1846-1848 Mexican American War

    1846-1848 Mexican American War
    The Americans attacked Mexico city to get Texas, all to themselves along with other states.
  • Iowa

    the State Flower ia the Wild rose
  • 1847- Doughnut

    1847- Doughnut
    Hansen Gregory invented the doughnut in 1847. It was originally a pasrty brought over by dutch settlers but eventually Hansen Gregory made it more fancy.
  • Wisconsin

    The state animal is the Badger
  • Period: to

    Zachary Taylor

    his nickname was Old Rough and Ready. He was also the 12th president of the untied states.
  • 1850

    1850 - 23 million
  • Period: to

    Millard Fillmore

    Millard Fillmore had no formal education and he lead our country for 3 years! Congress passed the Compromise of 1850 and Fugitive Slave Act in September when he was president.
  • Californa

    The state mamal is the grizzly bear.
  • Period: to

    Franklin Pierce

    he graduated from Bowdoin College in 1824. Franklin also was a democrat.
  • 1855- Michigan State

    1855- Michigan State
    Michigan State University was establsihed in 1855 in East Lansing, Michigan.
  • Period: to

    James Buchanan

    James's nickname was Old Buck. He never married anyone so his house hostess was his neice.
  • 1858-Pencil Eraser- Hymen Lipman

    1858-Pencil Eraser- Hymen Lipman
    The Pencil Eraser was made to make it easy to erase mistakes made by the pencil. It was invented by Hymen Lipman in 1858 march 30.
  • Minnesota

    minnesota was the 32nd state in the untied states
  • Oregon

    The state tree is the Douglas Fir.
  • 1860

    1860 - 31.4 million
  • 1860- Repeating Rifle- Benjamin Tyler Henry

    1860- Repeating Rifle- Benjamin Tyler Henry
    This rifle was the first rifle to shoot multiple shots without changing ammunitions inbetween. It was invented by Benjamin Tyler Henry.
  • 1861- 1865 American Civil War

    1861- 1865 American Civil War
    This War was faught from the North and South batteling eachother for slavery. The north who had Abraham Lincon at the time didnt want slavery. South did. The North eventually won.
  • 1861- The Machine Gun-Richard Gatling.

    1861- The Machine Gun-Richard Gatling.
    The Machine Gun or Gatlin Gun has the ability to fire many bursts at a time instead of reloding again and again.
  • 1861- Jelly Bean- Willian Schrafft

    1861- Jelly Bean- Willian Schrafft
    In 1861 William Schrafft invented a yummy little candy called the Jelly Bean. It is also known as the Turkish Delight. During the American Civil war William Schrafft told people to sent the candy to the soldiers.
  • Kanas

    Kansas was the 34th state in the USA
  • Period: to

    Abranham Lincoln

    Honest Abe was a very memerable president for our country, He freed all the salves in our country!
  • 1863- Breakfast Cereal- James Caleb Jackson

    1863- Breakfast Cereal- James Caleb Jackson
    James Caleb Jackson was the one who invented the Original Breakfast cereal who later other companies and names claimed including Kellogs. It is a great breakfast food with milk.
  • West Virginia

    West Virginia
    The state tree is the Sugar Maple
  • Nevada

    The state rock is Sandstone.
  • 13th Amendment- salvery abolition

    13th Amendment- salvery abolition
    On this day salvery was illegal.
  • Period: to

    Andrew Johnson

    Andrew was born on December 29, 1808, in Raleigh, North Carolina and he died on July 31, 1875, in Carter's Station, Tennessee.
  • Nebraska

    The state song is "Beautiful Nebraska"
  • 1868- 14th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment is considered one of the Reconstruction Amendments of America. This amendment was to make sure every citizen in the United States had equal protection no matter where they came from. Accept Native Americans, who lives on the west of the river.
  • American Football- Walter Camp

    American Football- Walter Camp
    Walter attended Yale and was a football player there he devloped the rules of football for how we know it today from rugby and soccer .
  • Period: to

    Ulysses Simpson Grant

    He was a solider and he graduated from the milatary.
  • Soccer- Princeton vs. Rutgers (6-4 Rutgers)

    Soccer- Princeton vs. Rutgers (6-4 Rutgers)
    They played the first offical game of Soccer on Nov. 6 1869. The game was played with 2 teams and 25 men on each team like the game of rugby.
  • 1870

    1870 - 38.6 million
  • African Americans Right to vote

    African Americans Right to vote
    In this year african americans began to have the right to vote on our presidental elections.
  • 1870- 15th Amendment

    1870- 15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment made it so that every citizen could vote and their race, would not be held against them. African Americans could now vote.
  • 1873- Jeans- Levi Strauss

    1873- Jeans- Levi Strauss
    Levi Strauss invented the Jeans in the year 1873. Working as a dryed good person, Levi combined her knowledge with a taylors and made Jeans.
  • 1877- Toilet Paper- Seth Wheeler

    1877- Toilet Paper- Seth Wheeler
    Seth Wheeler invented the Toilet paper in 1877. Toilet paper was invented to maintain personal hygeine after.........well ya kno.
  • Period: to

    Rutherford Birchard Hayes

    His nick name was the Dark- Horse President. He was a Repulican.
  • 1879- Light Bulb- Thomas Alva Edison

    1879- Light Bulb- Thomas Alva Edison
    Thomas Edison invented the Light Bulb in 1879 after over 1,000's way firguring out how not to make it work but one way to make it work,
  • 1880

    1880 - 50.1 million
  • Period: to

    James Abram Garfield

    On July 2nd James was shot Grfield died of blood poisoning on September 19. He was shot by Charles Julius Guiteau.
  • Period: to

    Chester Ann Arthur

    Chester was the 21st president of the united states of america. His nickname was The Gentleman Boss.
  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

    He was the 22nd and the 24th president of the USA. His nickname was Veto President.
  • 1886- Coca Cola- John. S. Pemberton

    1886- Coca Cola- John. S. Pemberton
    In 1886 John S. Pemberton invented the soft drink coca cola. It was oiginally used as a medicine but now people drink it all the time just for a drink
  • Softball- George Hancock

    Softball- George  Hancock
    In 1887, George Hancock, a reporter for Chicago Board of Trade, created the game of softball. He icame up with theidea of the game as a form of indoor baseball on a cold winter day inside Farragut Boat Club.
  • Period: to

    Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893

    23th President of the United States. First President to have electrical lights and Christmas tree in white house.
  • North Dakota

    North Dakota
    The State flower is the Wild Prairie Rose.
  • South Dakota

    South Dakota
    The state mammal is the Coyote.
  • Montana

    The state animal is the grizzly bear.
  • Washington

    The state vegetable is the Walla Walla Sweet Onion
  • 1890

    1890 - 62.9 million
  • 1890- Stop Sign- William Phelps Eno

    The Stop Sign was to make traffic safer and more easy and calm. We still use them today.
  • Idaho

    TheState Horse is the Appaloosa
  • Wyoming

    The state Gemstone is the Jade.
  • 1892- CMU

    1892- CMU
    Central Michigan Universiry is a college that was established in 1892 that is located in Mount Pleasant Michigan.
  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland 1893-1897

    24th President of the United States. First and only president to serve 2 consecutive terms.
  • 1893-Radio- Nikola Tesla

    1893-Radio- Nikola Tesla
    Nikota Tesla invented the radio, for a better connection and radio satelites.
  • 1894- Corn Flakes- Will Keith Kellog

    1894- Corn Flakes- Will Keith Kellog
    This cereal started the Kellogs cereal company. It was the first cereal there. This is a better version of the breakfast cereal.
  • VolleyBall

    William Morgan invented volleyball at the YMCA. The name came from the fact that people have to volley so much in the game so they named it volleyball. Real creative.
  • Utah

    The state fossil is the Allosaurus
  • Period: to

    William McKinley 1897-1901

    25th President of the United States. He was the first president to use campaign buttons.
  • 1900

    1900 - 76.2 million
  • 1901-Car- Oldsmobile- Ransom E. Olds

    1901-Car- Oldsmobile- Ransom E. Olds
    This was the first automobile made by this company. The first official car of this style.
  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909

    26th President of the United States. Youngest to be the president.
  • 1901- Assembly Line- Henry Ford

    1901- Assembly Line- Henry Ford
    Henry Ford started the Assembly Line for the Ford Company in the ear 1901.
  • 1902- Teddy Bear- Morris Michtom

    1902- Teddy Bear- Morris Michtom
    The Teddy Bear was invented my Morris Michtom and is named after President Teddy Rosevelt, because of his refusal to kill a bear.
  • 1904- Banana Split- David Strickler

    1904- Banana Split- David Strickler
    The Banana Split was inveted by a man who enjoyed making sundaes and other ice cream delights at his shop.
  • Oklahoma

    The State animal is the Buffalo
  • Period: to

    Willian Howard Taft 1909- 1913

    27th President of the United States. Fattest President weighing 332 pounds.
  • 1910

    1910 - 92.2 million
  • New Mexico

    New Mexico
    The State flower is the Tucca.
  • Arizona

    The State Flower is the Saguaro Cactus Blossom
  • 1913-16th Amendment (Income Tax)

    1913-16th Amendment (Income Tax)
    The 16th Amendment was passed July 2, 1909 by congress.
  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921

    28th President of the United States. Before he was president he was the president of Princton university.
  • 1913-17th Amendment (senators by popular votes)

    The 17th Amendment was passed May 13, 1912 and it was so the selection of Senators not by the people but by the state legislatures.
  • 1914- 1918 World War 1

    1914- 1918 World War 1
    This was the first world war.
  • 1919-18th Amendment

    The 18th Amendment was passed January 17,1920. It states "After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited."
  • 1920-19th Amendment

    This is a very important Amendment to me because it womens right to vote. Without this out country wouldnt be hearing all the opioins of the people in our country.
  • 1920

    1920 - 106 million
  • Period: to

    Warren Gamaliel Harding 1921-1923

    29th President of the United States. He gambled away a set of White house China.
  • Period: to

    Calvin Coolridge 1923-1929

    30th President of the United States. He is the only president born on the 4th of July
  • 1927- Television- Philo T. Farnsworth

    1927- Television- Philo T. Farnsworth
    The Television or TV was invented in 1927 by Philo T. Farnworth. It is still used today and also it is still being improved like flat screen and etc.
  • 1927- Kool Aid

    1927- Kool Aid
    Kool Aid was invented by Edwin Perkins in his mothers kitchen just as an experiment which later turned into one of the most famous powdered drinks.
  • Mickey Mouse

    Mickey Mouse
    Mickey mouse was created by walt disney. Now disney has many popualr shows for younger kids and is a widely watched channel throughout the country.
  • bubble gum

    bubble gum
    Bubblegum was invented by Frank Henry Fleer in 1906, but it was too sticky so ,in 1928, Walter E. Diemer invented a new kind of gum which he called " Double Bubble."
  • Period: to

    Herbert Clark Hoover 1929-1933

    31st President of the United States. He spoke chinese to his wife to keep their conversations private.
  • 1930

    1930 - 123 million
  • Electric Guitar

    Electric Guitar
    This type of guitar was manufactured beginning in 1931 by Electro String Instrument Corporation by Adolph Rickenbacher and George Beauchamp. Their first idea was built by Harry Watson, a man who worked for Electro String. This new guitar which the company called "Rickenbackers" was the first eletric guitar made.
  • Period: to

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933-1945

    32nd President of the United States, only president to serve more the 2 terms.
  • 1933- 20th Amendment

    Section one states "The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin."
  • 21st Amendment

    The 21st amendment is a repeal of the 18th amendment and its about. Section 2 stated "The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited."
  • Soft Serve Ice Cream

    Soft Serve Ice Cream
    The first commercial offering of soft serve ice cream was in Soft serve ice cream was invented 1938 by J.F. "Grandpa" McCullough and his son Alex McCullough, were the the co-founders of the Dairy Queen chain of soft serve and fast food restaurants.
  • 1939- 1945 World War 2

    1939- 1945 World War 2
    This war was a huge global conflict. This was a holocost for the world.
  • 1940

    1940 - 132 million
  • Period: to

    Harry S. Truman 1945-1953

    33rd President of the United States. He read every book in his hometown library.
  • Cable Tv

    Cable Tv
    It was started by John Walson and Margaret Walson in the spring of 1948 in Pennsylvania.
  • Video Game

    Video Game
    It was inspired by the missle finder from world war II.
  • 1950

    1950 - 151 million
  • 1950- 1953 Korean War

    1950- 1953 Korean War
    This war was a conflict of noncommunist's and communists. North Korea being the Communist and South Korea being the non communists.
  • 22nd Amendment

    The 22nd amendment made a law that when a person runs for president they can can only run for 2 terms. It was passed after Franklin Roosevelt was elected to a record four terms as president. He broke the two-term precedent set by George Washington.
  • Barcode

    The bar code is a way to track items and it usually has 12 digits. They are easliy scanned.
  • Period: to

    Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961

    34th President of the United States. He was the commander of Allied forces in world war II.
  • Video Tape

    Video Tape
    The first use of Videotape in Television was the Ampex VRX-1000 video recorder. The broadcast was Douglas Edwards with The News on CBS.
  • Alaska

    The state fish is the King Salmon
  • Hawaii

    the State Marine Mammal is the Humpback whale
  • 1960

    1960 - 179.3 million
  • 1960-1975 Vietnam War

    1960-1975 Vietnam War
    This war was America's longest war that we have ever been involved in. The United States joined the war to prevent communism.
  • Period: to

    John Fitzengerald Kennedy 1961-1963

    35th President of the United States. He won a Pulitzer prize for his collection of essays on couage.
  • 23rd Amendments

    This was an Amendment to make people who lived on DOC have to pay taxes. Although this Amendment does not make DOC a state it makes it a part of our coutry in a way,
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    It was invented Douglas Engelbartas. At the time, Douglas was experimenting with better ways to point and click on a display screen and he made the mouse out of that.
  • Period: to

    Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963- 1969

    36th President of the United States. Before he was president he was a teacher for a small school.
  • 24th Amendment

    The 24th Amendment was to get rid of all of the taxes blacks had to pay to gain the right to vote and this Amendment was trying to get ride of it
  • Buffalo Wings

    Buffalo Wings
    They were created by Teressa Bellissimo who way trying to feed her children a late night snack and then came across the Buffalo Wing.
  • CD

    CD's were invented in 1965 by a man named James Russell. He owns most of the patents for CD technology.
  • 25th Amendment

    The Amendment is the Amendment for a Vice Presedent in case of a presdent dying they need a "back up plan."
  • Period: to

    Richard Milhous Nixon 1969-1974

    37th President of the United States. He was either going to deal with politics or be a representative for a little leauge baseball team.
  • 1970

    1970 - 203 million
  • Email

    Computer engineer, Ray Tomlinson invented internet based email in late 1971. It became very popular ans lots of people enjoyed using it.
  • 26th Admendment

    This Admendment was passed so that when a person turns 18 they have to right to vote and be apart of the presidental elections. anyone under 18 can not.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    Motorola stared the first cell phone and they only worked in certain areas. Like with areas with really good service.
  • Period: to

    Gerald Rudolph Ford 1974- 1977

    38th President of the United States. He held his daughters high school prom in the White House.
  • Colorado

    The State Fish is Greenback Cutthroat Trout
  • Period: to

    James Earl Carter Jr. 1977-1981

    30th President of the United States. Before he was president he was a smart farmer.
  • 1980

    1980 - 226.5 million
  • Laptop

    The Laptop is a computer for use on your lap. When they first came out they were very expensive,
  • Period: to

    Ronald Wilson Reagan 1981-1989

    40th President of the United States
  • Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

    Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
    The video game crash was very important for this time period.
  • Period: to

    George Herbert Walker Bush 1989-1993

    41st President of the United States. He played on the Yale University first base. and his son was a president also.
  • 1990

    1990 - 248.7 million
  • 1990- 1991 Persian Gulf War

    1990- 1991 Persian Gulf War
    The War was against the United Nations, and Iraq for the possesion of Kuwait.
  • 27th Amendment

    To get this Amendment it took a very long time to get it to be radified. It sat for hundreds of years without being touched.
  • Period: to

    William Jefferson Clinton 1993-2001

    42nd President of the United States. He played the saxophone on national television. and he loves music!!! Same here
  • 2000

    2000 - 281.4 million
  • Ipod

    The ipod was invented by apple and its an envanced mp3 player
  • Period: to

    George Walker Bush 2001-2009

    43rd President of the United States. He has a collection of 250 signed baseballs, obviously he likes baseball.
  • 2001: US Invasion of Aghanistan

    2001: US Invasion of Aghanistan
    This year on October 7 was the 10th anniversary that we have been invlolved with this invasion. We still have US military there on this present day. This was to attack the leaders who attacked America's twin towers and many more conflicts with their leaders.
  • 2003: Invasion of Iraq

    2003: Invasion of Iraq
    This invasion is still present today and our US military toupes are still there. It was to capture Siddam Hussein an evil leader. He was eventually captured and killed. After he was killed our troupes still stayed there.
  • Period: to

    Barack Hussein Obama 2009-2011

    44th President of the United States. He is the first African American president of the United States, and has two daughters.
  • 2010

    2010 - 308.7 million
  • 1775- 1784 Revolution

    1775- 1784 Revolution
    The Revolution was the Colonists against the British. The Americans won.