World War 2
The war, as terrible as it was, brought the U.S out a great finacial slump with all the extra jobs it created. -
Baby boomers
After world war 2 a ton of babys were born all the way to 1964. This impacts us now because the are all nearing retirement age and the government doesnt have the money to pay them. -
Womens suffrage
Women met in senca falls new york and discussed and debated there rights or lack there of. Thus began the movement for womens rights began. -
Vietnam War
One of the most devestating and protested wars ever. The country was very split in its opinion of it. -
Eisenhower creates interstates
When Eisenhower created interstates he created a quicker, less expensive way to travel. Great for buisnes and trade. -
Assassination of JFK
While riding in the back of his presidential limo John F Kennedy was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. This occured in Dallas Texas. -
Civil rights movement
The movement for african american freedom began in full. -
The Nixon administrations attempted cover up of a break-in at the democratic national comittee. Event that forced Nixon's regsitration. -
Parents marrage
My mom and dad were married. -
My birth
The day i was born. -
Moved to Illinios
Lived in Illinios but only for 1 year due to my moms homesickness. We then moved back to Virginia. -
Nicks birth
My little brother Nick was born. -
Zachs birth
My little brother Zach was born -
US invades Irag
George Bush declares war on Irag and on terrorism. -
Moved into childhood home
Bought house in a nice suburban neighborhood and have lived there ever since. -
Loss of 2 front teeth
I tried to jump over a chain and fell. When my face hit the ground my 2 fron teth shattered across the floor. They were filled with fake stuud by the dentist. -
Stock Market Crash 2008
Largest hit to the stock market since the great depression. -
8th grade graduation
I graduated from sutherland middle school. -
First car
A volvo station wagon was my first car. It was my grandpa's car. Unfortunatley in less then 5 months of driving it the oil pan cracked and the engine exploded. -
First job
I began my first job as a lifegaurd at the 2 pools near my home.