U.S History Timeline -Elise McGannon

By 203505e
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Colombus "Discovers" America

    Colombus "Discovers" America
    Christopher Colombus was a Spanish Explorer. He was the first European since the Vikings to discover the New World. But he technically didn't discover the New World. He was just one of the leaders of the many voyages that set out to find the New World.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot claims North America for England

    John Cabot claims North America for England
    John Cabot was an Italion Explorer.On June 24, 1497, John Cabot claimed Enlgand, behalf of England's King Henry VII to what thereafter would be called Newfoundland.
  • May 10, 1534

    Jacques Cartier explores the Great Lakes and the the St. Lawrence River

    Jacques Cartier explores the Great Lakes and the the St. Lawrence River
    Cartier was a French Explorer who on May 10 sailed across the ocean to the Newfoundland and explored parts of it. Later he established his countries claim ,to the present day Canada, while exploring the St. Lawrence River.
  • Virginia colony of Roanoke Island established by Walter Raleigh

    Virginia colony of Roanoke Island established by Walter Raleigh
    Raleigh set out on an expadition on April 27, 1585 to explore the Eastern Coast of North America. He arrived on Roanoke Island on July 4th and then established it as a colony with the local natives.
  • Captain John Smith explorer and founder of Jamestown

    Captain John Smith explorer and founder of Jamestown
    In 1606 John Smith went on a voyage with many others to find land and start a colony. When they arrived in 1607, Smith was designated to be one of the leaders of the new colony, James Town.
  • Twenty slaves in Virginia Africans brought to Jamestown are the first slaves importedinto Britain’s North American colonies. Like indentured servants, they were probably freed aftera fixed period of service.

    A dutch trader sold 20 slaves to Jamestown people.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was written by the colonists who were aboard the Mayflower and sailed across the Atlantic. All the adult male members singed it.
  • Colonial North America's slave trade begins when the first American slave carrier,Desire, is built and launched in Massachusetts.

  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights is a re-statement from the Decleration of Right, inviting them to become joint sovereigns of England.
  • Proclamation of 1763 by King George III

    Proclamation of 1763 by King George III
    The reason for the Proclamation of 1763 was to organize Great Britian's new North American empire and to create relations with Native North Americans through regulation of trade.
  • 1766 - Stamp Act

    1766 - Stamp Act
    A direct tax imposed by the British Parliament specifically on the colonies of British America. The act said that many printed materials in the colonies be printed on stamped paper, produced by London.
  • Santa Claus - Colonial America

    A fictional character based on several different stories. Known for wearing either green or red suits and delivering presents on Christmas Eve.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Announced the the 13 American Colonies, currently at war with Great Britian, declared themselves as independent states, and no longer part of the British Empire.
  • Vermont is 1st colony to free all slaves

    Vermont is the first of the thirteen colonies to abolish slavery and enfranchise all adult
  • 1787 Articles of Confederation

    1787 Articles of Confederation
    Articles of Confederation is the first constitution of the 13 colonies stated an agreement among the 13 states founding the legally established United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states.
  • Constitution

    A national constitution to replace the Articles Of Confederation.
  • Delaware Dec. 7, 1787

    Home of the first log cabins in North America, built in 1683 by Swedish immigrants
  • Pennsylvania Dec. 12, 1787

    Home of he first magazine in America: the American Magazine, published in Philadelphia for 3 months in 1741
  • New Jersey

    Home of the world's first drive-in movie theater, built in 1933 near Camden
  • Georgia

    Home of the Girl Scouts, founded in Savannah by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912
  • Connecticut

    Home of the first American cookbook, published in Hartford in 1796: American Cookery by Amelia Simmons
  • Massachusetts Feb. 6, 1788

    Home of the first World Series, 1903: the Boston “Americans” (became the Red Sox in 1908) vs. the Pittsburg Pirates (Pittsburgh had no “h” between 1890–1911)
  • Maryland Apr. 28, 1788

    Home of the first umbrella factory in the U.S., 1928, Baltimore
  • South Carolina

    Home of the first tea farm in the U.S., created in 1890 near Summerville
  • New Hampshire

    Home of Artificial rain, first used near Concord in 1947 to fight a forest fire
  • Virginia

    Home of the only full-length statue of George Washington, placed in capitol in 1796
  • New York

    Home of the first presidential inauguration: George Washington took the oath of office in New York City on April 30, 1789.
  • George Washington 1789-1797

    George Washington 1789-1797
    First president, with John Adams.
  • North Carolina Nov. 21, 1789

    Home of Virginia Dare, the first English child born in America, on Roanoake Island in 1587
  • Censes population numbers

    4 million
  • Rhode Island

    Home of Rhode Island Red chickens, first bred in 1854; the start of poultry as a major American industry
  • Vermont

    Home of the largest production of maple syrup in the U.S.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to set limits for what the government can and cannot do in regard of personal liberties.
  • Kentucky

    Home of the largest underground cave in the world: 300 miles long, the Mammoth-Flint Cave system
  • 11th Amendment

    11th Amendment
    This amendment was adopted to over rule the U.S. supreme courts.
  • Tennessee June 1, 1796

    Home of Graceland, the estate and gravesite of Elvis Presley
  • John Adams, 1797-1801

    John Adams, 1797-1801
    2nd president, with Thomas Jefferson.
  • Census Population Numbers

    5.3 million
  • Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809

    Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809
    The 3rd president with Aaron Burr.
  • Ohio Mar. 1, 1803

    Home of the first electric traffic lights, invented and installed in Cleveland in 1914
  • 12th Amendment

    12th Amendment
    This amendment provides the procedure for electing the President and Vice President.
  • James Madison, 1809-1817

    James Madison, 1809-1817
    4th president, with George Clinton.
  • Census Population Numbers

    7.2 million
  • Louisiana

    Home of the most crayfish: 98% of the world's crayfish
  • Indiana

    Home of the famous car race: the Indy 500
  • James Monroe, 1817-1825

    James Monroe, 1817-1825
    4th president, with Daniel Tompkins
  • Mississippi

    Home of Coca-Cola, first bottled in 1894 in Vicksburg
  • Illinois

    Home of the tallest building in the U.S., Sears Tower, in Chicago
  • Alabama

    Home of George Washington Carver, who discovered more than 300 uses for peanuts
  • Census Population Numbers

    9.6 million
  • Maine

    Home of the most easterly point in the U.S., West Quoddy Head1
  • Missouri

    Home of Mark Twain and some of his characters, such as Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
  • John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829

    John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829
    6th president with John Calhoun.
  • Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837

    Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837
    7th president, with John C. Calhoun.
  • Census Population Numbers

    12.8 million
  • Indian Removal Act (1838 Trail of Tears)

    Indian Removal Act (1838 Trail of Tears)
    Thise Act was signedby Andrew Jackson, authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders. Then in 1838 the indians were forced to go west by the government, killing thousends of indians in the process.
  • Arkansas

    Home of the only active diamond mine in the U.S.
  • Michigan

    Home of the Cereal Bowl of America, Battle Creek, produces most cereal in the U.S.
  • Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841

    Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841
    8th president with Richard Johnson.
  • Census Population Numbers

    17 million
  • William Henry Harrison, 1841

    William Henry Harrison, 1841
    9th president, with John Tyler.
  • John Tyler, 1841-1845

  • Florida

    Home of U.S. spacecraft launchings from Cape Canaveral, formerly Cape Kennedy
  • Texas

    Home of NASA, in Houston, headquarters for all piloted U.S. space projects
  • Iowa

    Home of the shortest and steepest railroad in the U.S., Dubuque: 60° incline, 296 feet
  • Wisconsin

    Home of the typewriter, invented in Milwaukee in 1867
  • Census Population Numbers

    23 million
  • California

    Home of “General Sherman,” a 3,500-year-old tree, and a stand of bristlecone pines 4,000 years old are the world's oldest living things
  • Minnesota

    Home of the oldest rock in the world, 3.8 billion years old, found in Minnesota River valley
  • Oregon

    Home of the world's smallest park, totaling 452 inches, created in Portland on St. Patrick's Day for leprechauns and snail races
  • Census Population Numbers

    31.4 million
  • Kansas

    Home of Helium discovered in 1905 at the University of Kansas
  • West Virginia

    Home of Marbles; most of the country's glass marbles made around Parkersburg
  • Nevada

    Home of rare fish such as the Devils Hole pup, found only in Devils Hole, and other rare fish from prehistoric lakes; also the driest state
  • 13th amendment-Abolition of Slavery

    Slavery Abolished The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery.
  • Nebraska

    Home of the only roller skating museum in the world, in Lincoln
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    This amendment states that all people born or naturalized in the United States will be granted citezenship. Also it forbids every state to deny a person of "life, liberty or property" without due process of law.
  • Census Population Numbers

    38.6 million
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This amendment states that all African American men have the right to vote.
  • African American Right to Vote

    African Americans got the right to vote.
  • Colorado

    Home of the world's largest silver nugget (1,840 pounds) found in 1894 near Aspen
  • Census Population Numbers

    50.1 million
  • North Dakota

    Home of the geographic center of North America, in Pierce County, near Balta
  • South Dakota

    Home of the world's largest natural, indoor warmwater pool, Evans' Plunge in Hot Springs
  • Montana

    Home of Grasshopper Glacier, named for the grasshoppers that can still be seen frozen in ice
  • Washington

    Home of Lunar Rover, the vehicle used by astronauts on the moon; Boeing, in Seattle, makes aircraft and spacecraft
  • Census Population Numbers

    62.9 million
  • Idaho

    Home of the longest main street in America, 33 miles, in Island Park
  • Wyoming

    Home of the “Register of the Desert,” a huge granite boulder covering 27 acres with 5,000 early pioneer names carved on it
  • Utah

    Home of Rainbow Bridge, the largest natural stone bridge in the world, 290 feet high, 275 feet across
  • Census Population Numbers

    76.2 million
  • Oklahoma

    Home of the first parking meter, installed in Oklahoma City in 1935
  • Census Population Numbers

    92.2 million
  • New Mexico

    Home of “Smokey Bear,” a cub orphaned by fire in 1950, buried in Smokey Bear Historical State Park in 1976
  • Arizona

    Home of the most telescopes in the world, in Tucson
  • 16th Amendment (Income Tax)

    16th Amendment (Income Tax)
    This amendment states that the Congress can levy an income tax without apotioning among the states or basing it on the current Census.
  • Census Population Numbers

    106 million
  • Mickey Mouse - Walt Disney

    A fictional, animated mouse with several buddies.
  • Census Population Numbers

    123 million
  • Census Population Numbers

    132 million
  • Census Population Numbers

    151 million
  • Alaska

    Home of the longest coastline in the U.S., 6,640 miles, greater than that of all other states combined
  • Hawaii

    Home of the only royal palace in the U.S. (Iolani)
  • Census Population Numbers

    179.3 million
  • Census Population Numbers

    179.3 million
  • Census Population Numbers

    226.5 million
  • Census Population Numbers

    248.7 million
  • Census Population Numbers

    281.4 million
  • Census Population Numbers

    308.7 million