US History Timeline

  • 19

    First Day of 8th Grade

    First Day of 8th Grade
    The first day of school. I got lost, and couldn't find my classes. I didn't have lunch with my best friend so we fixed that.
  • 19

    Elanor Is Born

    Elanor Is Born
    This was one of the most emotional days of my life, we were at the hospital for about 12 hours. My niece Elanor Stickney was born at around 10:30 at night. I had to wait outside with my dad and my brother but my mom made a Marco Polo about it so we would stop bothering them.
  • Live Aid Concert

    Live Aid Concert
    The Live Aid musical event was preformed by Queen, David Bowie, U2, and others. Approximately 170,000 people were there to watch the bands. The Live Aid concert raised £30m for the starving in Africa.
  • Challenger Space Shuttle Explosion

    Challenger Space Shuttle Explosion
    It exploded because of an external tank explosion. All of the crew members died of the explosion. It blew up 73 seconds after liftoff.
  • 9/11

    The attack of 9/11 lasted approximately an hour and forty two minutes. The twin towers were hit at about nine in the morning. Eighteen people were saved from the rubble of the towers alive.
  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    I was born this day, and so was Caleb Gould. I wasn't born in a delivery room I was born in a traditional hospital room because so many moms were having babies. My dad was at a football game and barely made it on time for my birth.
  • Getting My Ears Pierced

    Getting My Ears Pierced
    My mom took me to the mall and surprised me at Claire's and i got my ears pierced. I was almost 8 when I got them pierced, I got stitches the day before. After I got them pierced I said it hurt worse than the stitches I got in the back of my head.
  • Traumatized at 9

    Traumatized at 9
    I was dressed as a Scarecrow that Halloween, and I was hanging out with my friend Emmie. We went trick or treating then went to some haunted houses, the first one I went to my costume caught on fire. I then started screaming but my mom didn't believe me, but finally she notices and whacked my chest trying to put out the fire.
  • SF Canyon Fire

    SF Canyon Fire
    The fire was started by lightning strike. The fire lasted about a month. Many houses were evacuated, especially near Salem and Payson area.