US History Timeline

  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
  • Period: to

    King Phillips War

  • Period: to

    King Williams War

  • Period: to

    The Salem Witch Trials

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • Stamp Act - Original

    Stamp Act - Original
  • Stamp Act - Repealed

  • Boston Massacre

  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

  • Articles of Confederation Created

    Articles of Confederation Created
  • Battle of Yorktown

  • Constitution Ratified

  • Period: to

    George Washington in Office

  • Alien and Sedition Acts

  • Bill of Rights Ratified

  • Period: to

    John Adams in office

  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson in office

  • Marbury v. Madison

  • Period: to

    James Madison in office

  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • Burning of The White House

    Burning of The White House
  • Period: to

    James Monroe in office

  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams in office

  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson in office

  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren in office

  • Period: to

    William Henry Harrison in office

  • Period: to

    John Tyler in office

  • Period: to

    James K. Polk in office

  • Annexation of Texas

  • Period: to

    Mexican-American War

  • The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

  • Period: to

    Zachary Taylor in office

  • Period: to

    Millard Filmore in office

  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
  • Period: to

    Franklin Pierce in office

  • Period: to

    James Buchanan in office

  • Dred Scott v. Stanford

  • The Founding of Denver

    The Founding of Denver
  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln in office

    Assassinated in office
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Period: to

    Andrew Johnson in office

  • 13th Amendment Ratified

  • 14th Amendment Ratified

  • Period: to

    Ulysses S. Grant in office

  • 15th Amendment Ratified