US History Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    America's discovered by Columbus

  • Period: Oct 12, 1492 to

    US History Timeline

  • Settlement of Jamestown

  • the French and Indian War

  • the Boston Tea Party

  • the battle of Lexington and Concord

  • the Declaration of Independence

  • the Battle of Yorktown

  • the Constitutional Convention

  • the invention of the cotton gin

  • the alien and sedition acts

  • the louisiana purchase

  • war of 1812

  • the missouri compromise

  • Andrew Jackson's election

  • the trail of tears

  • the panic of 1837

  • the invention of the telegraph

  • the mexican and american war

  • the compromise of 1850

  • the firing of fort sumter

  • the emancipation proclamation

  • surrender of the appomattox courthouse

  • Abraham Lincoln's assassination

  • 13th amendment

  • Andrew Johnson's impeachment

  • 14th amendment

  • 15th amendment

  • telephone

  • electric light

  • the organization of standard oil trust

  • the Pullman and Homestead strikes

  • the spanish- american war

  • Theodore Roosevelt

  • airplane