US History Timeline

  • U.S. Government Under Constitution Begins

    U.S. Government Under Constitution Begins
    Washington is inaugurated, and suggestions for addressing the president include "Excellency" and "Highness." Washington states U.S. neutrality after the French Revolution begins in Paris.
  • First Census

    First Census
    The U.S. population totals 3.9 million, including approximately 760,000 African Americans, of whom 700,000 are enslaved.
  • Bill Of Rights Ratified

    Bill Of Rights Ratified
    The Bill of Rights was ratified and it became part of the Constitution. The first bank of the United States is chartered for a twenty-year period.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    Kentucky enters the Union as the 15th state; first state to grant universal manhood suffrage. During the Presidential Election, Washington and Adams are re-elected president and vice-president.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The whiskey rebellion, in which farmers in western Pennsylvania protested the excise tax on whiskey. Which is then put down by federal troops.
  • Quasi War

    Quasi War
    The Quasi War began when France attempted to bribe the U.S commissioners in Paris. This sparked to build tension between the nations.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    In this presidential election Jefferson and Burr tie for president(Democratic/Republican). They defeat Adams and Pinckney(Federalist).
  • Barbary War Begins

    Barbary War Begins
    Tripoli declares was on the United States. Jefferson sends U.S ships to the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Lewis And Clark Expedition

    Lewis And Clark Expedition
    Began in St. Louis. Ohio enters the Union as the 17th state, granting universal manhood suffrage.
  • Barbary War Ends

    Barbary War Ends
    The barbary war ends after U.S. troops capture Darna. Piracy committed by Barbary States continues until 1815.
  • Ban On Slave Trade

    Ban On Slave Trade
    The ban on slave trade was passed by Congress, as required by the Constitution. Embargo Act is also passed by Congress in response to British and French interference with U.S. trade.
  • Presidential Election of 1808

    Presidential Election of 1808
    James Madison was elected president and George Clinton was re-elected as vice president. (Democratic-Republican Party)
  • War Of 1812

    War Of 1812
    The War of 1812 began as U.S declares war on Great Britain over issues of borders, trade, freedom of the seas, and the rights of neutrals. In general, the war is supported by westerners and opposed by New Englanders.
  • War of 1812 Ends

    War of 1812 Ends
    The War of 1812 ends with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent.
  • Presidential Election of 1816

    Presidential Election of 1816
    James Monroe and Daniel Tompkins are elected president and vice president. (Democratic-Republican)
  • The First Seminole War

    The First Seminole War
    The first seminole war begins with attacks on settlers in Florida and Geogia. Meanwhile the New York Stock Exchange is established, and Mississippi entered the Union as the 20th state.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was passed by Congress; this allowed dmission of and Missouri as a slave state, and bans slavery in the Louisiana Territory around the southern boundary of Missouri.
  • Forth Census

    Forth Census
    The U.s. population totals 10 million, including 1.7 million African Americans, of whom 1.5 million are enslaved; population west of Appalachian Mts. is 2.2 million. 6% of Americans live in cities.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    The presidential election of 1820, James Monroe and Tompkins are re-elected as president and vice-president.
  • Missouri Enters Union

    Missouri Enters Union
    Missouri enters the Union as the 24th state under the Missouri Compromise. Maine entered as the 23rd state just before also under the Missouri Compromise.