us history timeline

  • Potsdam conference

    Potsdam conference
    The big Three, soviet leader, joseph stalin, brish prime minster wiston churchill, and us presedint harry truman met in postdam, germany to negolate terms for the end of world war ii
  • truman doctrine

    truman doctrine
    it was policy which stated that the us would give aid to any country threatened by the communisms
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    all roads, trains, and waterways were blocked berlin by soviet union. they could not get food or gas
  • korean war

    korean war
    conflict between north area and south Korea in witch at least 2.6 million persons lost their lives
  • second red scare

    second red scare
    The fear of communisms that spread through American politics, culture and society
  • creation of NATO

    creation of NATO
    security ageist soviets' union by Western European nations, united states, and Canada
  • 1960 U2 Incident

    1960 U2 Incident
    America spy plane shot down over soviet Union airspace
  • Suez crisis

    Suez crisis
    The Suez canal is a man-made waterway in Egypt. it connects the red to the Mediterranean sea.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    competition between United States and soviet union for space technology
  • soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia

    soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
    soviets' Union led Warsaw pact troops in invention of Czechoslovakia to crack.
  • Bay Of Pigs Invention

    Bay Of Pigs Invention
    an attack by the CIA to remove cuban leader Fidel castro from power that failed.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    confrontion between united states and soviet union both came close to nuclear conflict
  • Chernobyl Dister

    Chernobyl Dister
    nuclear power explostion at plant in charnorly, ukrain