US History Timeline 1820-1840: Chetna Singireddy

  • communitarianism

    Robert Owens promoted communitarianism so that workers could get fair pay for their labor. He did this after 1815, when there were many people working for the largest cotton manufacture in the world.
  • American Colonization Society

    American Colonization Society
    The American Colonization Society promoted abolition of slavery and the settlement of African Americans in society. This society changed the minds of colonists about African Americans in society and slavery in general.
  • New Harmony

    New Harmony
    Robert Owen, a British factory owner purchased the Harmony Community in Indiana. He aimed to establish a New Harmony where he wanted to create a new moral world.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    The temperance movement was created by the American Temperance Society that was founded in 1826. The temperance movement aimed to reduce alcohol consumption in the United States.
  • common school

    common school
    Common schools are the tax supported state school systems that is available to all children. Horace Mann is a lawyer, and hoped that providing an equal school system would let children be equal, and get the same education no matter what. This movement took place in the 1830's.
  • American Anti-Slavery Society

    American Anti-Slavery Society
    Abolitionist movements that signed petitions, held meetings, printed abolitionist newspapers, pamphlets etc. They aimed to accomplish the end of slavery with the new society created, and these new movements being created.
  • gentlemen of property and standing

    gentlemen of property and standing
    An anti-abolitionist movement that was created to shut down abolitionists. They aimed to shut down abolitionists movements, for example one boston group almost killed an abolitionist in 1835 by marching down streets with a rope tied around his neck.
  • gag rule

    gag rule
    The gag rule prohibited the consideration of abolitionists to flood Washington with petitions for the emancipation in nation's capitol. The gag rule tried to stop abolitionists from doing this.
  • Liberty Party

    Liberty Party
    A group of people wanted to make abolitionism a political movement, so they created the Liberty Party. It accomplished the awakening of more citizens to see how morally unjust slavery was, and it created more than 1,000 antislavery societies across the North.
  • Shakers

    A Shaker community is a religious community that believed that both genders had are spiritually equal. A lot of holy families wanted to join these communities, and they were the most influential in the 1840's.
  • Brook Farm

    Brook Farm
    Brook Farm was one of the firsts utopian communities. New England transcendentalists wanted to demonstrate that manual and intellectual labor could coexist harmoniously.
  • Oneida

    Oneida was founded in New York by John Humphrey Noyes. Oneida was a community that had to follow the pure religious teachings of John Humphrey Noyes.
  • woman's suffrage

    woman's suffrage
    Woman's suffrage is the fight for the right for women to vote in any political elections. The fight for woman's suffrage started after Seneca Falls Convention that took place in 1848. This political movement wanted equal rights for both women and men.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was a novel published by Harriet Beecher, and it is an autobiography based off of fugitive slave Josiah Henson. It changed a lot of citizens opinions on slavery after reading.
  • Dorthea Dix

    Dorthea Dix
    Dorthea Dix was a teacher who advocated for the humane treatment for people who suffered with mental illness. She helped open up the first mental hospitals in the United States, and one of the firsts opened up in 1856.