Columbus arrives
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Sir Walter Raleigh Roanoke Island settled and disappears
Roanoke is established and then disappears mysteriously. -
Period: to
Life of Anthony Johnson in Virginia
Anthony Johnson is born Portugal and lives his life in Virginia. -
Jamestown Established
The settlement of Jamestown is founded. -
Slavery begins in the English colonies.
Slave are first brought over from Africa and sold to the English colonies. -
Plymouth established with Mayflower Compact
The settlement of Plymouth is established by the pope le on the Mayflower. -
Pennsylvania Colony established
The Pennsylvania Colony is founded. -
Salem Witch Trials
Women are accused in Salem, Massachusetts of being Witches and are executed. -
Period: to
The First Great Awakening
The First Great Awakening happens in the colonies. -
Albany Plan by Ben Franklin
The Albany plan is one of the first official documents to start the uniting of the colonies. -
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7 Years War “French-Indian War”
The 7 year war between the French and the Indians begins in 1754. -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act starts a tax on the legal recognition of documents. -
Boston Massacre
British soldiers shoot and kill several people in a mod that was angry with them. -
Boston Tea Party
People toss boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor in protest of taxes. -
First Continental Congress does NOT seek independence
The first continental congress takes place. -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
The Battles of Lexington and Concord kick off the Revolutionary war. -
Second Continental Congress DOES seek independence
The second continental congress takes place and votes for independence. -
Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation are written. -
Britain surrenders Revolutionary War
The colonist beat Britain, allowing for independence. -
Shays’ Rebellion
Shays’ Rebellion takes place in Massachusetts. -
Constitutional Convention
The greatest political document ever written, the constitution, is written. -
Constitution Ratified
The greatest political document ever written, the constitution, is ratified. -
George Washington becomes First President
George Washington becomes the first president of the United States and serves for 8 years. -
Washington’s Farewell Address
George Washington gives his farewell address. -
Alien & Sedition Acts
The Alien & Sedition Acts are passed as a war with France is thought possible. -
Thomas Jefferson elected president
Thomas Jefferson becomes America’s third President. -
Louisiana Purchase
The US buys a huge chunk of land for $15 million dollars. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark embark on their famous expedition exploring more of the west. -
Period: to
War of 1812
The War of 1812 begins and lasts three years. -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise makes Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state. -
Andrew Jackson as President
Andrew Jackson is elected in 1829, serving until 1837. -
Frederick Douglass joins the Abolitionist Movement
Former Slave, Fredrick Douglass, joins and plays a big role in the abolitionist movement. -
Fugitive Slave Act passed
The Fugitive Slave Act is passed, forcing slaves to return to their owners, even if they were in a free state. -
Period: to
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 starts and passes 5 bills until 1855. -
Uncle Tom’s Cabin published
The well known novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin is published. -
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Bleeding Kansas
A small war breaks out on whether or not the newly proposed state, Kansas, should be a slave state or not. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott fights the Supreme Court over his freedoms. -
Abraham Lincoln Elected President
Abraham Lincoln is elected as the first Republican President of the United States. -
Period: to
Civil War
The bloodiest war in American History starts. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation is passed, freeing the slaves. -
Lincoln Assassinated
President Lincoln is assassinated. -
13th-15th Amendments pass, become law
The 13-15th amendment outlawing slavery. -
Monroe Doctrine
America tells the world they would not tolerate any more colonies or puppet monarchs.