US History Timeline

  • Prohabiton

    January 1920 was when the 18th amendment went into ffect, otherwise known as prohabtion. This made the sale and manufacturing of alchohal illigal. But, along with this strick law came an alternative, speakeasies (underground sallons). This law stayed in effect until 1933 when the 21st amendment overruled it.
  • Period: to

    The Roaring Twenties

  • Al Capone

    Al Capone
    Al Capone headed the criminal empire in chicago in 1925. From 1925 to 1931 he bootlegged whiskey from Canada. In 1931 he was arrested for tax evasion, that was the only thing that the cops could convict him of.
  • Flappers

    A flapper is a young woman who embraces the new fasions and urban attitudes. Many women became aggressive to gain equal rights as men. The attitudes for marrige was changed so that they looked at eachother as equal.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    This was the single worst day in the decline of the stock market. Although the prices were goingdown for most of the month, Black Tuesday was the day where it sharpley dropped
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    The Great Depression

  • Bonus Army

    Bonus Army
    The bonus army was vetrans from world war 1 that were promised a bonus for serving. When they went and demanded their money, they were denied and became violent.
  • The Hoover Dam

    The Hoover Dam
    The Hoover Dam was at the time the biggest concrete structure in the U.S. The estimated time for the dam to be completed was 6 years, Frank hurry-up Crow was determined and accomplished it in four.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    the dust bowl was an area in the US where feets of top soil was picked up and blown across the nation. It caused many cases of brown lung to pop up, due to the inhalation of dust.
  • Kristalnacht

    Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish buisnesses, homes, and synagogues, it lasted 2 days, November 9-10. About 100 jews were killed that night, and around 30,000 jews were arrested. The Nazis then blamed the jews for the destruction.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    He joined the National Socialist German Worker's Party where he became he leader through his powerful speaking. He tried to take over germany by force but was put in jail. He was put in power when he burned down the reichstag causing a state of emergency.
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    World War II

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese bombers swooped low over pearl harbor, the plane was followed by about 180 war planes. it was over an hour and a half before the antiaircraft guns started to work.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

  • NATO Alliance

    NATO Alliance
    The NATO Alliance was a treaty between Belgium, Denmark, France Great Britan, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Noray, and Potugal. This was created due to the berlin blockade increaed Wesern European fear of soviet aggression.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    North Korea attacked South Korea with a suprise attack, this started the Korean War. 16 Nations sent around 520,000 to aid South Korea. 90% of these troops were american.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The warsaw pact was made of the Soviet Union and 7 seven Eastern European countries. This was sparked when germany was allowed to join NATO, they began to get worried so the formed the Warsaw Pact.