Jamestown Established
Virginia House of Burgesses
Plymouth Established
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
French and Indian War
End year was 1763 -
Treaty of Paris 1763
Proclamation of 1763
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Lexington and Concord battle
Declaration of Independence
Valley Forge Campsite
Left on 1778 -
Articles of Confederation
Adopted in 1777 and ratified on 1781. -
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Yorktown
Treaty of Paris 1783 signed
Constitutional Convention
Washington's presidential Terms
30 apr 1789
4 mar 1797 -
Whiskey Rebellion
Washington's Farewell Address
John Adam's terms
March 4, 1797 – March 4, 1801 -
Thomas Jefferson Elected
Marbury v. Madison
Louisiana Purchase
Monroe Doctrine
Texas Annexed
Oregon Territory
Fort Sumter
13th amendment passed by Senate
Appomattax Court House
Where Lee surrenders