Apr 13, 1215
Magna Carta
granted rights to both nobles and freemen -
Roankoke Island
off the coast of North Carolina coast. -
first premanent English settlement -
House of Burgesses
first representative assembly -
Mayflower Compact
was agreement to form a self-government -
Roger Williams
founded providence RI -
Navigaion Act
British Parliament the first act -
Nathaniel Bacon
led planters against autocratic British Government Sir. William Berkeley, burned Jamestown -
William Penn
signed the treaty with Delaware Indianas and made payment for Pennsylvania lands. The first Germon colonist in American settle near Philadelphia. -
Witchcraft delusion
at Salem, MA; 20 alleged witches executed by special court -
Great Awaking
religious -
Bebjamin Franklin
pubished the first Poor Richards Almanack -
John Peter Zenger
was acquuitted of libel -
French and Indian War
began when French occupied Fi. Duquesnc -
Sugar Act
places duties on lumber, foodstuff, molasses, and rum in colonies -
Stamp Act
required revenne stamps to help fund royal troops. And the Quarting Act -
Townshred Act
levied taxes on glass, painter's lead, paper, and tea -
Boston Massacre
British troops fired into a Boston mob killed 5 including Crispus Attucks -
Boston Tea Party
cargo throw overborad to protect tea tax -
Intolerable Acts
of parliament curtailed Massachusetts self-rule. -
Paul Revere and William Dawes
rode to alert patriots that British were on their way to Conord to destory arms. -
Common Sense
famous proindependence pamphlet by Thomas Paine -
Articles of confederation
adopted by continental Congress -
John Paul Jones
on the Bonhomme Richard defeated Serapis in British North Sea waters -
cornwallis surrender
Paris pease treaty
recognizing American indepencence -
Northwest Ordinance
adopted by continental congress for Northwest territory north of Ohio River and west of New York. -
George Washington
chosen president by all the voters voting (eligible 73, voting 69, absent 4) -
Bill of Rights
went to effect -
Eli Whitney
invented cotton gin, reviving slavery -
Washingtons farewell address
Warned against permanent alliances with foreign powers -
Louisiana Purchase
was doubled U.S area -
Lewis and Clark
expedition ordered py President Thomas Jefferson -
Robert Fulton
made first practical Steamboat triplest New York City aug. 17, reached Albany, 150 mi away in 32 hrs -
War of 1812
had 3 main causes; British seizied U.S. ships trading with France; British armed Indians who raided western borders; British had seizied 4000 naturalized U.S. sailors by 1810. -
the Star Spangle Banner
the British fleet failed so that gave Fancis Scott Key the idea to write the words to the Star Spangle Banner. -
Monroe Doctrine
oppseing Eurpean intervention in the Americans -
Trail of tears
a walk the Cherokee Indians were forced to walk -
first teleograph line
sent may 24 by intventor Samuel F.B. Morse. -
Compromise of 1850
admittied Califonia as the 31st state -
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Toms Cabin Published -
Dred Scott
Dred was a black Slave that before his ower died they went to a free country and now that his owner died he is in court sueing to be free. -
Abraham Licoln
Was elected president out 4 people -
Cofederate States of America
Seven souther states created the confederate states of America. Jefferson was the president. First fight was at ft. Sumter in Charlestown. -
Battle of Antietam
the bloodest one-dasy battle of the war. -
Emancipation Proclamation
freeing all slaves in areas rebellion and gettysburg address. -
Robert E. Lee
Surrendered 27,800 troops confederate troops to Gen. at Appomattox Court House. Abrham Licoln was shot by John Wilks Brooth 13th Amendment abolished slavery -
14th Amendment
the 14th amendment was ratified providing for citzenship of all persons born or naturalized. -
15th Amendment
the 15th Amendment was making race no bar to voting rights. -
Clara Barton
founded the red cross.