us history timeline

  • Aug 3, 1492

    discovery of america

    colobus finded murica
  • settlement of jamestown

  • Period: to

    french and idnian war

  • boston tea party

  • battle of Lexington and concord

  • declaration of independence

  • battle of yorktown

  • constitutional convention

  • cotton gin

  • alien and sedition acts

  • luisiana purchase

  • war of 1812

  • Missouri compromise

  • andrew jackson elected

  • panic of 1837

  • the trail of tears

  • telegraph

  • war with mexico

  • compromise of 1850

  • attack on fort sumpter

  • emancipation proclamation

  • surrender at appottomattox

  • lincoln killed

  • Period: to

    13-15 ammendmants

  • Andrew Johnson impeached

  • telefone

  • lightbulb

  • standard oil trust

  • pullman strike

  • spanish-american war

  • teddy rosevelt elected

  • airplane