Steamboat Inventor
Robert fultoil had created a steamboat the Minister of france sponsord the steam boat called the Chancellor help major part in france. -
Pickney"s Treaty
Pickney treaty was for spain to give acess to the Americans the Mississppi river and other lands. -
Jay"s Treaty
The treaty was for to end revoutionary war between United staes and England however england could post and guard western , northern of America borders from Great britain because they were banned to cross there border also President George washington had signed this treaty. -
Farwell Address
George Washington making progress on final draft for his presdential farewell address to concide nine years anniversary for US Constitution. Alexsander hamiltion and Thomas jefferson also James madison help a big part in the farewell address by help writing it . -
Election of 1800
It was Thomas jefferson vs John adams this election was to keep one of the parties in power and it was a change of revolution because they had tie at one point of time but Thomas had won he had more votes. John adams was a sore loser he called in midnight judges to keep the federalist in power -
Lewis & Clark Expedition
President Thomas Jefferson wanted funding from the Congress to support lewis and clark expedition. Thomas jefferson requested 2,500 but congress gave him 50,000 for more sources although lewis and clark, more other people were on a journey to discover lands . One of the lands they discover was the Louisiana purchase -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas jefferson bought louisiana for 15 million and that did a major down grade on consititution for loosing to much however 828,000,000 of land. -
Start Of War Of 1812
The House of Representatives had delcared war on Great Britian then President James Madison signed the delaration on to law. However the War Hawks where there to give them victory -
Treaty of Ghent
The Americans and Great Britian, Ghent also Belgium agreed to sign the treaty of ghent to end the war so they could have peace but however the ghent terms where to returned all lands that were taking back to United States and Canada. -
Battle of New Orleans
The British soilders marched on to New orleans to capturing there main city Louisiana so they could separate United state from New Orleans. However Pirate Jean knew about the british plan, he had warned the Americans about their plan and general Andrew jackson signed 4,500 soilder to guard Kentucky, also Tennesse -
Adams-Onis Treaty
This treaty allowed spain to sell Florida to the Americans also John Quincy adams signed this treaty, -
Monroe Doctrine
President James monroe sent a message to the congress for a bold assertion not to be future by any european powers . George Washington farewell address lead to china on the Monroe doctrine also John Quincy adams influenced it. -
Election of 1824
President john Quincy adams had a president elecion against Andrew jacksons however Andrew jackson had the most votes and electoral votes but it wasn't enough electoral votes for him to win he was mad so he called the midnight judges and the army but Henry clay said if you would vote you should vote for john quincy adams, that made john adams when the election also he henry clay Vice presdient -
Trail of Tears
Most of the Indians were getting defeated by Americans soilder but however the cheeroke stayed there and fight for there indian territory . President Martin Van Buren sent Major general Winfield Scott 7,000 troops to termnate the removal process -
Telegraph invented
Samuel morse created electric telegraph that could do a electric impulses to transmit encoded messages over a wire, would eventually revolutionize long-distance communication, reaching the height -
Annexation of Texas
Texas citizens of independent Republic also the Congress accepted the proposed by constitution so Texas could be the 24th state of United state also republic Sam Houston agreed -
California Gold Rush
Miners extracted more than 750,000 pounds of gold also they discover 100,000 golden nuggets in California terriory. -
Gadsden Purchase
This purchase about 30,000 square miles of Mexican territory to the United States and fixed the boundaries of the “lower 48 .James Gadsden, the U.S. minister to Mexico, and General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, the president of Mexico, sign the Gadsden purchase. -
54-40 Or Fight
first time, black soldiers could fight for the U.S. Army. The first all-African-American regiment was the 54th Massachusetts Infantry ,black soldiers would help the North win the war . President President Abraham Lincoln and a abolitionists fredrick douglas enlisted blacks into the civil war. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Alexsander hamiltion wanted the farmers to pay taxes but they refuse to pay that caused a war between the farmers and tax collecters. Alexsander hamiltion sent some soilder so they could be force to pay