U.S. History II Year

By jimc7
  • The Great Depression

  • FDR Elected President

  • WWII

  • Japan Bombed

  • Baby Boomers

  • Cold War Begins

  • Korean War

  • Truman Elected President

  • Eisenhower Elected President

  • Suburbs Become Popular

  • JFK Elected President

  • Vietnam War

  • LBJ Elected PResident

  • JFK Assassinated

  • Civil Rights Movements

  • Nixon Elected

  • Israeli - Palestinian Conflict Escalates

  • Ford Elected President

  • Carter Elected President

  • Reagan Elected President

  • "Reaganomics"

  • George H.W. Bush Elected President

  • Cold War Ends

  • Clinton Elected President

  • George W. Bush Elected

  • World Trade Centers Attacked

  • Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Begin

  • Obama Elected President

  • Bin Laden Assassinated