US History II

  • The Assination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The Assination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The heir to the austrian throne, whom was shot in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo, by Serbian nationalist Gavrillo Princip. July 28, Austria-Hungary, had considered the assination, a shot of war.
  • Austria Delcared war on Serbia

    Austria Delcared war on Serbia
    The first act of war that helped escalade the fist world war.
  • Germany Declared war on Russia

    Germany Declared war on Russia
    The Imperial German Government have used every effort since the beginning of the crisis to bring about a peaceful settlement, thus helping launch a war.
  • Germany Invades Belgium

    Germany Invades Belgium
  • Battle of the Marne started

    Battle of the Marne started
    the First World War battle fought between 5 and 12 September 1914. It resulted in an Allied victory against the German Army under Chief of Staff Helmuth von Moltke the Younger.
  • Russia declared war on Turkey

    Russia declared war on Turkey
    This happened because of the help given by Turkey to the German attack of Russia, Russia declared war on Turkey
  • The first Zeppelin raid on Britain took place

    The first Zeppelin raid on Britain took place
    Zeppelin airships dropped bombs on Yarmouth.
  • The “Lusitania” was sunk by a German U-boat

    The “Lusitania” was sunk by a German U-boat
    On board were 1,959 people, 159 of whom were Americans.Captain William Thomas Turner slowed the Lusitania down because of fog and traveled in a predictable line. Neither captain noticed the U-boat.
  • Italy declared war on Germany and Austria

    Italy declared war on Germany and Austria
    Austria-Hungary and Italy formed the Triple Alliance. The three countries agreed to support each other if attacked by either France or Russia.
  • The Germans captured Warsaw from the Russians

    The Germans captured Warsaw from the Russians
    After roughly a month of fighting, the Russian soldiers were told to leave Poland to reinforce areas further East, allowing the Germans to take Warsaw
  • Start of the Battle of Loos

    Start of the Battle of Loos
    The Battle of Loos formed a part of the wider Artois-Loos Offensive conducted by the French and British in autumn 1915, and sometimes is called the Second Battle of Artois
  • Conscription introduced in Britain

    Conscription introduced in Britain
    this forces all men ages 21 to 30 to register into the war.
  • British forces surrendered to Turkish forces

    British forces surrendered to Turkish forces
  • Start of the Brusilov Offensive

    Start of the Brusilov Offensive
    a major success in a war that had been a disaster for the Russians up to that year.
  • Lloyd George becomes British Prime Minister

    Lloyd George becomes British Prime Minister
    Lloyd George became Prime Minister of the war time coalition. His war cabinet, unlike that of his predecessor, met every day..
  • League of Nations holds its first meeting

    League of Nations holds its first meeting
    The League of Nations holds its first meeting and accomplishes the rafitification of the Treaty of Versailles, and ends the first world war.
  • Women can vote

    Women can vote
    Women are given the right to vote when the 19th Amendment to the United States constitution grants universal women's suffrage.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    A national quota system on the amount of incoming immigrants was established by the United States Congress
  • Immigration Restrictions

    Immigration Restrictions
    Immigration laws drastically cut the number of foreigners allowed in the U.S. to prevent overcrowding in cities and to raise wages.
  • The Armaments Congress ends

    The Armaments Congress ends
    It would lead to an agreement, the Five Power Disarmament Treaty, between the major world powers.
  • President Warren G. Harding dies in office

    President Warren G. Harding dies in office
    after becoming ill following a trip to Alaska, and is succeeded by his Vice President, Calvin Coolidge.
  • African Amaerican Inventor

    African Amaerican Inventor
    Garret A. Morgan invents the very first known atuomatic traffic light.
  • first Winter Olympic Games

    first Winter Olympic Games
    the first olympic games where held.
  • The Indian Citizenship Act

    The Indian Citizenship Act
    All Indians are designated citizens by legislation passed in the U.S. Congress
  • First Woman Governor

    First Woman Governor
    Nellie Tayloe Ross is inaugurated as the first woman governor of the United States in Wyoming.
  • Chinas Civil War

    Chinas Civil War
    The civil war in China prompts one thousand United States marines to land in order to protect property of United States interests.
  • Woman Flies over Ocean

    Woman Flies over Ocean
    Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Working In Illinois

    Working In Illinois
    Children required to finish elementary grades before they were allowed to work in Illinois
  • Stock Market crash

    Stock Market crash
    Postwar prosperity ends in the 1929 Stock Market crash
  • The Teapot Dome scandal

    The Teapot Dome scandal
    The Teapot Dome scandal closes when Albert B. Fall, is convicted to accepting a $100,000 bribe in return for leasing the Elk Hills naval oil reserve.
  • new York Times prints petition

    New York Times prints petition of 1,028 economists (PDF) who oppose Smoot Hawley Tarrif Act
  • public works program

    December 2, President Herbert Hoover asks Congress to fund a $150 million public works program
  • Reserve Bank's discount rate raised

    New York Federal Reserve Bank's discount rate raised from 1.5 percent to 2.5 percent
  • Committee for Unemployment Relief

    January 7th, the Committee for Unemployment Relief releases a report on unemployment showing that 4 to 5 million Americans were out of work.
  • New York Bank

    New York Bank of the United States collapses
  • largest peacetime tax increas

    June 6th, Revenue Act of 1932 passed, the largest peacetime tax increase in the nation's history to that date
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt defeats Herbert Hoover

    Franklin D. Roosevelt defeats Herbert Hoover to become the 32nd President (electoral vote count of 472 to 59)
  • Export-Import Bank of Washington created

    February 2nd, Export-Import Bank of Washington created, established under DC charter by Executive Order 6581, to assist in financing U.S. trade with the Soviet Union.
  • Farm Relief Act passed

    May 12th, Farm Relief Act passed, creating the Farm Credit Administration and the Agricultural Adjustment Adminstiration
  • Silver Purchase Act passed

    June 19th, Silver Purchase Act passed, empowering FDR to increase the Treasury's silver holdings to 1/3 the value of gold, nationalizing silver stocks and purchases
  • Emergency Appropriations Relief Act passed

    April 8th, Emergency Appropriations Relief Act passed, creating the Works Progress Administration
  • Motor Carrier Act passed

    Motor Carrier Act passed, extending federal regulatory authority to motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce
  • Robinson-Patman Act passed

    effectively outlawing price cutting by permitting price discrimination only if it can be justified by differential costs of serving different markets
  • War of the Worlds

    October 30th, Orson Welles' broadcast of "War of the Worlds" persuades thousands of Americans that the United States is being invaded by Martians
  • NLRB v. Mackay Radio & Telegraph

    Supreme Court decides that employers have an undisputed right to hire permanent replacement workers for striking workers in an economic strike
  • Pact signed by Germany, Italy and Japan

    Treaty and pact signed by Germany, Italy, and Japan declaring them alllies.
  • First Computer Floppy Disk

    First Computer Floppy Disk
  • Abortion is legal.

    Abortion is legal.
  • Elvis Found dead at 42

    Elvis Found dead at 42
  • Mother Teresa awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    Mother Teresa awarded Nobel Peace Prize
  • New plague identified as A.I.D.S

    New plague identified as A.I.D.S
  • Deepest US recession since The Great Depression begins.

  • Michael Jackson releases song "Thriller"

    Michael Jackson releases song "Thriller"
  • Hole in The Ozone was discovered

    Hole in The Ozone was discovered
  • OJ Simpson arrested for Double Murder

    OJ Simpson arrested for Double Murder
  • Brandon Howard Was Born

  • Viagra, a male enhancement pill, comes on market

    Viagra, a male enhancement pill, comes on market
  • JFK Jr. Dies in plane accident

    JFK Jr. Dies in plane accident
  • Foreign terrorist attack World Trade Center and The Pentagon.

    Foreign terrorist attack World Trade Center and The Pentagon.
  • China launches first space mission

    China launches first space mission
  • Barack Obama elected as first African-American President of US.

    Barack Obama elected as first African-American President of US.
  • "King of Pop" Michael Jackson dies.

    "King of Pop" Michael Jackson dies.