US History from 1860-1901

  • Period: to

    US History from 1860-1901

  • Beginning of Civil War

  • Beginning of Reconstruction

  • 13th Amendment

  • Ending of Civil War

  • President Lincoln's Assassination

  • 14th Amendment

  • Transcontinental Railroad completed

  • Hiram R. Revels becomes first black senator

  • 15th Amendment

  • The Panic of 73'

    starts depression
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

  • Ending of Reconstruction

  • Hayes becomes President

  • Tennessee passes law segregating railroad cars

    Other states soon followed
  • Tuskegee Institute founded

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • American Federation of Labor created

  • The Haymarket Massacre

  • Dawes Acts

  • The Chicago World's Fair

    known as the Columbian Exposition
  • Lynchings peak in United States

  • The Panic of 93

    leads to depression
  • McKinley election

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    rules "separate but equal" and Jim Crow segregation laws are legal
  • US Annexation of the Philippines

  • McKinley assassination