Us History Fritzson Period:4

  • Industrialization Telegraph

    Created by Samuel Morse. A communication device.
  • Civil War Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Civil War Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The act was passed on May 30, 1854. The US congress established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Stephen Douglas was determined to get the great plains settled.
  • Civil War Dread Scott decision

    Civil War Dread Scott decision
    The Supreme court handed down their decision on March 6,1857. Dread Scott was a slave said that he had been emancipated becsue of living with his mater in Illinois where slavery was forbidden by the missouri compromise.
  • Civil War Freedman's Bureau

    Civil War Freedman's Bureau
    It was founded on March 3,1865. Congress created the Freedman's bureau. It was set forth to feed and cloth war refugees. It helped formerly enslaved people get jobs and negotiate labor contracts
  • Reconstrution Black Codes

    Reconstrution Black Codes
    were designed to regulate the affairs of free Blacks. The codes were sanctified by Johnson.
  • Reconstruction 13 Amendment

    Reconstruction 13 Amendment
    Lincoln proposed the thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, which officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery.
  • Recostruction the Fourteenth Amendment

    Recostruction  the Fourteenth Amendment
    the fourteenth amendment, which conferred civil rights, reduced the representation of a state in Congress and the Electoral college if it denied Black suffrage, disqualified former Confederates office, an guaranteed the federal debt while repudiating the Confederate debt.
  • Industrialization The Type Writer

    Industrialization The Type Writer
    Invented by Christopher Sholes. Inproved the effectiveness of office work. Also created more jobs for women.
  • Imperialism Suez Canal links the Medeterranean and Red Sea

    Imperialism Suez Canal links the Medeterranean and Red Sea
    The Suez Canal was opeed in 1869 for transportiting godds and navigateing. The Suez canal connected the medeterranean Sea and the reds sea.
  • Inditrialization Telephone

    Inditrialization Telephone
    Invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Inproved the effectiveness of office work. Also created more jobs for women.
  • Imperialism Berlin Conference

    Imperialism Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Confernece was a meeting of European nations to divide Africa. This would later be named under the scramble for Africa. These divisions were made to show which European nation controlled which part of Africa.
  • Imperialism Battle of Adwa

    During the frantic period of imperialism Italy attempted to take over Ethiopia. Meneik II, the leader of Ethiopia, made a peace treaty with the Italians. Italy however who was really fully invested in taking Ethiopia over declared war. Menelik led Ethiopia in triumph over Italy.
  • Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American war was started over control of Puerto Rico and the Phillipines. THey fought it out and the Americans ended up with control of the two lands.
  • WW1 Alliances

    WW1  Alliances
    Alliances where made between the six major powers. One was the triple entente and the other was the triple alliance.

    Invasion started after the assasination of franz ferdinand when austria- hungry invaded serbia and germany invaded belgium. Great britain told germany and austria-hungry that if you invade belgium or serbia we will declare war.
  •  Roaring 20’s Model T

    	Roaring 20’s Model T
    Henry Ford found the Ford Motor Company shortly after he created cars with combustion engines. In 1927he invented the Model T. It soon became a huge hit for young and old people.
  • Roaring 20’s Marcus Garvey

    Roaring 20’s  Marcus Garvey
    Was an african american leader of the 1920's . Garvey organized a chapter of the UNIA.Garvey helped Jamaicans and African Americans by giving them economic and cultural independence
  • Roaring 20’s Harry Houdini

    Harry Houdini is known as a famous magician of the 1920’s. He performed many amazing magic tricks.He write a book called, "The Man from Beyond".
  • Roaring 20’s Black Tuesday

    Roaring 20’s Black Tuesday
    The United States ecomonmy was booming in the early 1920's. Until 1929 when the stock market experienced black tuesday when the stock market hit a "black hole" and stocks didnt last for long.
  • Roaring 20’s St. Valintines Day Massacre

    Al capone always drove in an armoured limosine. There was a lot of violence in chicago at the time. 227 gansters were killed in a span of 4 years.
  • WWI: Trench warfare

    WWI: Trench warfare
    During World War 1, dogs were used to carry messages in capsules attached to their body. Dogs also carried and placed telegraph wires in important areas.
    Pigeons were also used during the war. About 500,000 pigeons were regularly dropped into enemy lines by parachute, and then sent back with messages.
  • WWII

    The war lasted from 1939 to 1945.
    It was the most tragic war in history, and directly involved more than 100 million people, from more than 30 different countries.
  • Great depression Roosevelt

    Great depression Roosevelt
    President Roosevelt, under the Emergency Banking Act, orders the nation off of the gold standard.
  • Great Depression FDR

    Great Depression FDR
    FDR signs the Wagner National Labor Relations Act. The goal of the act is to validate union authority and supervise union elections.
  • Great Depression New Deal programs

    Great Depression New Deal programs
    The slow economic recovery made possible by New Deal programs suffers a setback as unemployment rises. FDR's detractors call it the start of the "Roosevelt recession."
  • Ww2Japanese invasion of China

    Ww2Japanese invasion of China
    Japanese claimed that they fired first by Chinese troops at the Marco Polo Bridge. China lost 14 million peole during the war. China's war was the longest and the bloodiest bottle.
  • pearl habor attact

    pearl habor attact
    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor.
    •The attack lasted 110 minutes, from 7:55 a.m. until 9:45 a.m.
    •A total of 2,335 U.S. servicemen were killed and 1,143 were wounded. Sixty-eight civilians were also killed and 35 were wounded.
  • cold war

    cold war
    President Harry S. Truman gives a tongue-lashing to Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov indicating that he was determined to take a "tougher" stance with the Soviets than his predecessor had.
  • cold war truman

    cold war  truman
    Truman is presented with the Clifford-Elsey Report, a document which listed Soviet violations of agreements with the United States.
  • Cold War Truman Doctrine

    Cold War Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was an international relations policy set forth by the U.S. President Harry Truman in a speech , which stated that the U.S. would support with economic and military aid to prevent them from joining the Soviet sphere.
  • Cold war Formation of NATO

    Cold war Formation of NATO
    After World War II the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. occupied most of Europe. Most of the continent's governments had fallen to Nazis while the war was going on.
  • Cold War Marshall Plan

    Cold War Marshall Plan
    Marshall Plan was the American initiative to aid Europe. The plan was in operation for over four years. Marshall Plan began in April, 1948
  • Civil Rights Movement Rosa park

    Civil Rights Movement Rosa park
    She refuse to give up her seat to go to the back of the bus.
  • Civil Right movement: Sit ins

    Civil Right movement: Sit ins
    Black african american walk into to store companys store in Greensboro, North Carolina, purchased some school supplies, then went to the lunch counter and asked to be served.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    he building of the Berlin wall was symbolically marking the serperation of Eastern and Western Germany and also the split between Democracy and Communism
  •  Vietnam War Battle of Ap Bac

    	Vietnam War  Battle of Ap Bac
    Ap Bac was a city 40 miles southwest of Saigon. The Army of the Republic of Vietnam attacked a Vietcong base in a defensive position on a canal connecting Ap Bac and the village of Ap Tan Thoi.
  • Civil right Movement

    Civil right  Movement
    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 banned literacy test and gave the federal government power to oversee voter registrations and elections in states that had descriminated against minorities.
  • Vietnam War Battle of Dong Ha

    Vietnam War Battle of Dong Ha
    The NVA, with 8,000 troops, attacked Dong Ha and fought an allied force of 5,000 marines and South Vientnamese soldiers. The NVA left 865 dead while retreating, while the Americans lost 68.
  • Vietnam War Battle of Hue

    Vietnam War  Battle of Hue
    Hue was a major center of conflict because it was a major city in Vietnam. There was a battle around the city in an attemt for both the South Vietnam army and the ARVN forces.
  • vietnam War Battle of Ba Gia

    vietnam War Battle of Ba Gia
    The Battle of Ba Gia was a major battle that marked the beginning of the National Liberation Front's Summer Offensive of 1965, during the early phases of the Vietnam War, which is known in Vietnam as the American War.