US History Final Exam

  • American Revolutionary War

    American Revolutionary War
    On June 17 was the first major battle, colonial forces inflicted a lot of casualties on the British Regiment. This engagement known as the the Battle of Bunker Hill ended in British victory but gave encouragement to the Revolutionary cause. By June 1776 the Revolutionary War was a growing majority of the colonist which had favored independence from Britain. On July 4 Congress voted to adopt the Declaration of Independence drafted from 5 men including Franklin, Adams, but Jefferson was the main.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is important because it is part of American democracy since it is the first to contain the goals of this nation. It also contains the complaints of the colonist against the British king. It contains the arguments that the colonist used against the British rule explaining why they wanted to be free. the document states that the authority to govern belongs to the people and not to kings. It also says that all people are created equal and have the same rights.
  • Constitution of the U.S

    Constitution of the U.S
    The United Sates Constitution was created in order t establish justice, form a more perfect union, insure domestic tranquility and to provide the general Welfare. In other words, it protects individual freedoms and it places the government's power in hands of the citizens. It limits the power of he government and establishes a system of checks and balances. The U.S Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was a land deal between the United States and France. Not only did they give the U.S about 827000 square miles o land for such a small price, but i allowed them to become a much larger territory.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    This Doctrine was a United States policy for opposing European colonialism in America. The Doctrine also stated that the US would not interfere with European colonies or with concerns of European countries. The Monroe Doctrine warns European nations that the United States would not have anymore colonization. Monroe's declaration of policy toward Europe was not known as the Monroe Doctrine until 30 years later.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The treaty was signed on February 2, 1848 ending the Mexican American War. With the Treaty of Guadalupe,the United States gained about 525,000 square miles of territory from Mexico. Mexico also gave up all claim of Texas and recognized the Rio Grande as the American;s southern boundary. The U.S paid Mexico $15 million and agreed to settle all claims of U.S citizens against Mexico.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War began in 1861 after years of tension between Northern and Southern states over slavery, states' right and westward expansion. The war began just weeks after Lincoln became President, the Confederates attacked Fort Sumter. This conflict was the deadliest war fought ever here on US soil; with 620,000 soldiers died; 2% of the American population by in 1861. Slavery was the main cause especially by Southern political leaders. The war ended on April 12, 1861 Robert E. Lee surrendered
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg was considered the most important engagement of the American Civil War. It became the largest battle that had been ever fought in the U.S. It started out as a chance encounter between the Union and Confederate Forces. There were a total of 23,049 of casualties for the Union and for Confederate there were 28,063 casualties.
  • Industrialization

    Industrial growth began in the early 1800's and continued until the American Civil War. Hand labor was replaced by machines for manufacturing which increased production. The creation of factory meant more job opportunities and people were able to transport raw materials. Industrialization helped the economy run smoother, allowing mass production.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    On May 4, 1886, a labor protest rally near Chicago's Hypermarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at a police. The Haymarket Riot was viewed as a setback for the organized labor movement in America. The aftermath of the Haymarket Riot set off a national wave of xenophobia. The major effect of the Haymarket Riot id that it hurt American Labor unions.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Plessy v Ferguson was a U.S. Supreme Court case in 1896, was very controversial the seven-to-one majority addressing the racial segregation laws. The Supreme Court said that " separate but equal" facilities was right and legal but many did not agree. This was a very important case because it set back the Civil Rights in the US for many years to come. This case was about the 13th and 14th Amendment of the Equal Protection Clause.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The Spanish American War was a conflict between the United States and Spain. It ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. It started with a mysterious explosion that sank the battleship USS Maine in Havana Harbor. It ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris were it granted the United States its first overseas empire.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    WW1 began in 1914 after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, he was the Archduke of Austria,but the US did not get involved until 1917. Germany, Austria- Hungary,Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire were the Central Powers which fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan, and the US were the Allied Powers. The four main causes of WW1 were Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. In 1918 Germany surrendered in 1919 the Treaty of Versailles formally ended the war.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The sinking of the Lusitania occurred May 7 1915 during the first Work War. With the sinking of the Lusitania and the American reaction to that sinking caused the Germans to temporarily halt their policy of unlimited submarine warfare. The Germans had been using submarines to sink shipping that was headed to Britain.
  • Roaring 20's

    Roaring 20's
    The 1920s was a time period in Western society and culture were the economy was doing excellent. This was the first time when Americans were mostly living in cities and not farms. The nation as a whole doubled in wealth between 1920-1929; it was a consumer society. This period in history is also known for the new styles of dance and dressing. People did not follow moral standards like before.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The Wall Street Stock market crashed in October 1929. The stock market crashed whipped out 40 percent of the paper values of common stock. During the Black Tuesday nearly 13 million shares of stock were traded. The stock market crash crippled the American economy because not only had individual investors put their money into stocks, so did businesses. The stock market crash was a four-day collapse of stock prices.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    The New Deal was programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations that President Franklin D. Roosevelt created to help with the recovery of the Great Depression. These programs were meant to help restore prosperity, when FDR took office he acted fast to stabilize the economy. Many jobs were created to help those suffering from the depression. Roosevelt's 3 "R's" were known as Relief, Recovery, and Reform.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    The Second World War was started by Germany in an unprovoked attack on Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler had refused to abort his invasion of Poland. The war in Europe ended with Germany's surrender on , May 7, 1945. The war in the Pacific ended when Japan surrounded on September 2, 1945.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War was a state of political antagonism and ideological differences between the Soviet and the US led Western Powers from 1945 to 1990. The US ( the allies) were concerned with the harsh leadership of Stalin and the spread of communism. Rivalry between the two lasted for decades, international incidents almost led the two superpowers to a nuclear disaster. The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
  • Hiroshima and Nagaski

    Hiroshima and Nagaski
    On August 6, 1945, during World War II, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city. Three days later, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, killing an estimated of 40,000 people. Japan's emperor announced his surrender in World War II in a radio address on August 15.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Attack of Pearl Harbor was a surprise military hit by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service at a US naval base located in Honolulu, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. This attack led to the US formal entry into WW2 which the entered the war on December 8th. One reason for the attack on Pearl Harbor was because President Roosevelt moved the US Pacific Fleet from California to Honolulu. Japan took this as a threat, they wanted to expand in the Pacific. Sadly 2,403 people died from Pearl Harbor.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War began when soldiers form the North Korean Peoples Army poured across the 38th parallel. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War.
  • McCarthy

    Senator Joseph McCarthy was known for McCarthyism; this was a campaign against alleged communists within the US government. This period lasted from 1950-1954, it all started when the Senator said he knew of members of the Communist Party who worked for the United States Government. The speech set off this era and led to McCarthy in the national spotlight. In 1954 the Senate voted to condemn for what he did and 3 years later he died as an alcoholic.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    The civil rights movement was a mass popular movement to secure for African Americans equal access to and opportunities for the basic rights. This movement sought to restore to African Americans the right of citizenship guaranteed by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. It was a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during 1950s an 1960s.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a long and costly war and conflict between North Vietnam and South Vietnam and its ally the US. More than 3 million people including more than 58,000 Americans were killed in this war. The United States thought it was going to be a fast war, just a few but instead it lasted years. They thought it was going to be a fast war because they had all the new technology and weapons but the North used their land as a weapon.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs invasion begins when CIA-financed and trained group of Cuba refugees lands in Cuba and attempts to topple the communist government of Fidel Castro. The attack was a failure. Fidel Castro had been a concern to the United States policymakers since he seized power in Cuba with a revolution in January 1959. Castro's attacks on U.S companies and interest in Cuba, led U.S officials to conclude that the Cuban leader was a threat to U.S interest in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Kennedy Assassination

    Kennedy Assassination
    On November 22, 1963 at 12:30 p.m. President John. F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding a motorcade in Dallas for a campaign visit. The First Lady was along side the President and Texas Governor John Connally with his wife as well. As the vehicle passed the Texas School Book Depository, 3 shots were fired from the 6th floor. 30 minutes later Kennedy was pronounced dead at Dallas' Parkland Hospital.
  • Martin Luther King Assasination

    Martin Luther King Assasination
    Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. King handled the civil rights movement since the mid-1950s. He used impassioned speeches and nonviolent protests to fight segregation and achieve significant civil-rights for African Americans. King was shot in the neck and was rushed into the hospital but was declared dead one hour later. Shock and distress over the news of kings death sparked rioting in more than 100 cities around the country.
  • Watergate

    Watergate was a huge political scandal that happened during 1972 to 1974 in the United States. Five men broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in D.C. on June 17, 1972. Nixon's administration tried to cover his involvement but failed. The burglars were caught wiretapping phones and stealing documents, Nixon had aggressive steps to try to cover this up but he resigned in 1974.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    The Persian Gulf War was international conflict that was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. The invasion of Kuwait led to a United Nations Security Council embargo and sanctions on Iraq and a U.S- led coalition air and ground war, which began on January 16,1991. The war ended with an Iraq defeat and retreat from Kuwait on February 28, 1991.
  • 911

    The events that happened on September 11 2001 changed the United States forever, this was a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda an Islamic terrorist group against the United States on a Tuesday morning. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center located in New York a third plane hit the Pentagon and the fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed, this caused the US to combat terrorism.
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    Invasion of Afghanistan
    The United States invasion of Afghanistan occurred after the September 11 attacks in late 2001. It was public aims were to take down al-Qaeda and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban from power. In November 2001, the Northern Alliance took control of the Afghan capital Kabul. On December 28, 2014, NATO formally ended ISAF officially transferred full security to Afghan government.
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq
    The 2003 Invasion of Iraq was the beginning stage of the Iraq War, the invasion phase lasted a bit over a month including 21 days of combat operations. The United States along with coalition forces mainly the United Kingdom starts war in Iraq, after explosions started in Baghdad. Coalition forces were able to take down his regime and capture Iraq's major cities in just 3 weeks. U.S. soldiers found Saddam- Hussein hiding a 6-to-8 foot deep hole, 9 miles outside his hometown; after a manhunt.
  • The Assassination of Osama Bin Laden

    The Assassination of Osama Bin Laden
    On May 1, 2011,American soldiers killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden at his compound near Islamabad, Pakistan. Intelligence officials believe bin laden was responsible for many deadly acts of terrorism. He had been on the FBI's "most wanted" list for more than a decade.