US History EOC

  • George Washington Elected President

  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Established the Supreme Court
  • French Revolution

    Federalists oppose it, Anti-Federalists support (U.S. Neutral)
  • Period: to

    The Early Republic

  • Alexander Hamilton creates Bank of the United States

    (opposed by Jefferson)
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    1st time U.S. Government uses Federal troops to subdue domestic issues (Farmers did not like new excise taxes)
  • XYZ Affair – public wants war

    • 1797 - XYZ Affair – French try to extort U.S. for diplomatic meetings – public wants war
  • Alien & Sedition Acts

    Expands Gov’t power, limit dissent and weakening of Gov’t, ruled unconstitutional
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    establishes Judicial Review
  • Louisana Purchase

    not known to Jefferson if it was constitutional to annex land, Congress approves purchase from France, doubles the size of U.S.
  • William Henry Harrison leads attack on Tecumseh at Battle of Tippecanoe

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    War of 1812

  • McCulloch vs. Maryland

    ruling confirms Congresses’ right to found the 2nd
    Bank of the United States
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    Age of Jackson

  • First Jim Crow Laws established

    (legal segregation)
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    Antebellum Period

  • Abraham Lincoln elected 16th President

    South Carolina secedes the Union = Civil War
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    The Civil War

  • Fort Sumter

    (S.C.) – confederates attack Union – war starts
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    grants citizenship to all people born in U.S. (14th
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    The Gilded Age

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    Progressive Era

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    U.S. Involvement in World War I

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    The Roaring Twenties

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    World War II

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    Civil Rights, Nixon, and Vietnam

  • Lee Harvey Oswald assassinates JFK

    in Dallas, TX
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    1974 – Present

  • Camp David Accords

    Carter negotiates peace between Egypt and Israel
  • Berlin Wall falls

    (Reagan feels its U.S.’s great est accomplishment of the era)