US History

  • Birth of the World wide web

    Birth of the World wide web
    When the internet first came out in the 60's it was only email. The web was created in 1983 but didn't become public until the 90's. Now 56% of the world use the internet and the world without the internet is unimaginable.
  • 9-11

    The first tower got hit a 8:46, the second tower got hit at 9:03. The planes were attacked by a terrorist group called al-Qaeda. There were 2,966 deaths.
  • I was born

    I was born
    It was a clear day. My siblings where at school. My parents sent a message to the school to tell my siblings that I was born and my sister Sierra was the happiest.
  • Broke my elbow

    Broke my elbow
    It was 5 minutes in on the first day of soccer practice for the spring season. The coach was just going over rules and I was getting bored so I had a brillient idea to balance on my soccer ball with one foot. I got pretty good at it until I fell down on my elbow and shatered it. My coach brought me to my mom who was waiting in the car then we went to the hospital. The picture is acctually when I broke my wrist in 2017 because I coouldent fin a picture from my elbow.
  • Moved back to Spanish Fork

    Moved back to Spanish Fork
    I was born in Orem, and moved to spanish Fork when I was 2, and we lived there for 4 years. When I was 6 we moved to bountiful for 4 years but my dad got a job here so we moved back into the same house we had when we lived here before.
  • Hurricane Harvey

    Hurricane Harvey
    It is tied with hurricane Katrina with some of the biggest tropical winds on record. It cost $125 billion dollars on damage. It hit Texas the hardest.
  • Cruise/ New York

    Cruise/ New York
    This year it was my parents 25th aniversery so me and my brothers Scotty and Dallin when on a 2 week panama cruise. We went to grand Turk, Grand Caymon, Costa Rica, Panama, and the Bahamas. Then we got off the ship in New York and my two oldest siblings Sierra and Matthew flew out to spend 4 days in New York with us.
  • First day of 8th grade

    First day of 8th grade
    I got everything ready the day before. I woke up really tired and didn't want to go. I went home and fell asleep right away.