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US History Timeline

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands

    Christopher Columbus Lands
    Columbus landed on various Caribbean islands He also explored the Central and South American coasts.
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    it was designed to maximize the trade of a nation and, historically, to maximize the accumulation of gold and silver.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown is ruins of the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • Navigation Act of 1651

    Navigation Act of 1651
    The 1651 Navigation Act was passed in the English Parliament. The reason for passing it was to prevent Dutch shipping. Since the Dutch was England's biggest competition, it threatened to drive English shipping from the seas.
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    Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He was an American polymath and a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics.
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    George Washington

    he was commander in chief during the revolution. He was also the first president of the United States and was one of the founding fathers.
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    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was one of the founding fathers and wrote the declaration of independence. He also later served as the third president of the United States.
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    french and indian war

    Both the British and French wanted to extend their North American colonies into the land west of the Appalachian Mountains The French and Indian War was fought to decide if Britain or France would have stronger power in North America.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    King George III issued a proclamation that forbade colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The new tax forced colonist to buy a British stamp for every official documents they obtained. This was a major cause of the revolution.
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    Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States. He defeated the British in the Battle of New Orleans. Andrew Jackson grew up poor and lacked formal education. He was also the first president to be impeached.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British troops in the Massachusetts Bay Colony were there so that they could keep order in the colony. Instead, they fired on a group of American colonist, killing five men.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was where 342 boxes of tea, which belonged to the British, were thrown off the ships by American Patriots dressed as Mohawk Indians
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    American Revolution

    The American Revolution was a colonial revolt. The thirteen colonies won their independence from Great Britain, becoming the Unites States of America.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of independence summarize the colonies motivation for seeking independence. It explained why the colonies decided to separate themselves from Great Britain. It states that all men are created equal.
  • United States Constitution Signed

    United States Constitution Signed
    The Constitution was signed at the same place the Declaration of Independence was signed. It established America's government, fundamental laws and guaranteed basic rights to it's citizens.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 18th century
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    Westward Expansion

    The United States almost tripled in size after the Louisiana purchase and continued to increase westward. although this was a positive thing for the Unites states, the natives had a negative impact and was forced to move.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    it was a land deal between the US and France. The US bought the land for 15 million dollars.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    The first American expedition to cross the western portion of the United States. This expedition was requested by president Thomas Jefferson and purchased from France in 1803
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    Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and was assassinated in April 1865.He preserved the Union during the U.S. Civil War and brought about the emancipation of slaves
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    Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist, writer and orator. He was also an African American social reformer and leader. He was the son of a slave women and probably her white master.
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    Abolitionist Movement

    It was a social and political push to end slavery.
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Jacksonian Democracy
    During this period, it gave more power to the people. Led by President Andrew Jackson, this movement championed greater rights for the common man
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    This United States presidential election was a match between Andrew Jackson and John Adam. Jackson had more electoral vote, but Adams won the election. Andrew Jackson and the Democratic accused John Adams of engaging in disgraceful politics
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal act was signed by Andrew Jackson. It grant land west of the Mississippi river to the Indians tribes in order for the US to gain their land.
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    Mexican American War

    Mexico claimed the Nueces River as its northeastern border, while the U.S. claimed the Rio Grande River was their border. Mexican cavalry later attacked a group of U.S. soldiers under the command of General Zachary. The war soon began.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California entered the union as a free state. The Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was an African American man in the United State, who unsuccessfully sued for his freedom, his wife, and his children
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The Democratic Party had been split into two factions, the Northern Democrats and the Southern Democrats. Abraham Lincoln was able to win the election because he had more electoral votes since the republican wasn't split between two candidates.
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    Civil War

    The Civil war was a War between the United States and the Confederate States of America. One of the reasons why this war occurred was because of slavery
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    Era of Reform

    it was a a period of widespread social activism and political reform. it was a type of social movement that aims to make gradual change, or change in certain aspects of society,
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    it was the belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.