US. History

  • 985

    First Americans Enter North America

    This is when North America was first set foot on by Europeans.
  • Period: 1436 to May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands

    This is when Christopher Columbus first landed in America.
  • Period: to


    It was made to maximize the profits and trade in a nation.
  • Jamestown

    It is the first permeant English settlement in North America.
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    Navigation Act of 1651

    All trade between England and the colonies to be carried in English or colonial vessels
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    The Enlightment

    The Enlightenment was a movement both intellectual and philosophical that ruled the world of ideas in Europe during the 18th century
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    Benjamin Franklin

    He was an American Polymath and one of the founding fathers.
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    George Washington

    George Washington was an American statesman, soldier, the first President of the United States
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    Thomas Jefferson

    A founding father and third president of the united states.
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    French and Indian War

    It was British America vs. New France and the British won.
  • Proclimation of 1763

    It outlawed all settlement west of a imaginary line on the Appalachian Mountains.
  • The Stamp Act

    British Parliament in 1765 that gained revenue from the American colonies by adding a stamp necessary on newspapers and legal and commercial documents.
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

    The seventh president of the united states and started Jacksonian Democracy.
  • Boston Massacre

    Was an event on March 5, 1770, in which British Army soldiers shot and killed several people on the streets.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty when they dressed up as Indians and invaded a Tea Ship.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

    The Patriots of America in the Thirteen Colonies fought and won independence from Great Britain thus becoming the United States of America.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Thomas Jefferson wrote a statement releasing the thirteen colonies from Britain.
  • United States Constitution Signed

    It was signed on September 17, 1787.
  • Period: to

    Dred Scott

    Was a enslaved African American that took his freedom to court but lost but was still freed later in his life.
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

    The Louisiana Purchase prompted this with the accumulation more land to the west of the 13th colonies.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the Louisiana territory by the United States from France in 1803 because of France's loss of wealth.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark

    The explorers of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    The first American exploration to what is now the western portion of the United States.
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    Manifest Destiny

    The belief that the expansion of the U.S is a god given right and was supposed to happen and was justifiable.
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    Jacksonian Democracy

    This is when Andrew Jackson was the president of the U.S and was the first real democracy giving the common man power but some though he was using to much power.
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    Election of 1828

    It was Andrew Jackson vs. John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson ended up winning.
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    Abolitionist Movement

    The movement to end slavery.
  • Indian Removal Act

    The push of Indians to the western side of the U.S authorized by Andrew Jackson.
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    Mexican American War

    It was a armed war between America and Mexico.
  • Compromise of 1850

    A set of laws, passed in the midst of disagreements between groups favoring slavery and not, that attempted to benefit something to both sides.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    This was the ruling in court against Dred Scott in which he said since he resided in a free state he should thus be free.
  • Election of 1860

    It was Abraham Lincoln, John C. Breckinridge, John Bell, Constitutional Union and Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln won.
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    Civil War

    It was a war in the United States surrounding slavery and other issues in which it was the North vs. the South and the North won.
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    Era of Reform

    The main objectives of the movement was to eliminate problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in government.
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    Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass was an African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman