US History

  • Germzan Anshluss with Austria

    Hitler annexed Austria and demanded liberation for the people in Sudentenland of Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler invades Czech

    Hitler marched into Czech and occupied the country.
  • Treaty of Munich

    All the major leaders in Europe came together at a conference in Munich where they agreed Hitler should have Sudetanland in Czech.
  • Britian rearms and reassures Poland

  • Russia and germany sign pact

    Hitler and Stalin signed a non-aggression pact. Had a secret clause for Poland.
  • Period: to

    Phoney War

    The months when Britain had a declaration of war but no military actions
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Adolf Hitler invades Poland
  • Britian and france declare war on Germany

  • British rout Italians in N. Africa

  • Period: to

    Hitler invades Denmark and Norway

    Germany did this to safeguard supply routes of Swedish ore
  • Blitzkrieg

    Hitler launches his Blitzkrieg about Holland and Belgium. they become occupied.
  • Chamberlain resigns

  • Dunkirk

    More than 338000 men were rescued from the beaches of Dunkirk
  • Italy enter war on side of Axis power

    Hope for rich pickings from spoils of war
  • France signs armistice with Germany

  • Period: to

    Battle of Britian

    Hitler sent his Luftwaffe bombers to attack British goods. August it was concentrated on the RAF.
  • Tripartite Pact

    Mutual alliance with Germany, Italy, and Japan
  • Italy and Germany attack Yugoslavia

    and Crete
  • Hitler attacks Russia-Operation Barbarossa

    Hitler sent 3 million troops and 3500 tanks to Russia. Stalin signed treaty with britain
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor Hawaii
  • US and Britain declare war on Japan

  • Japanese take Singapore

    Japanese capture from the British taking 60000 prisoners
  • Battle of Midway

    The USA defeats the Japanese navy. The USA was able to push the Japanese back.
  • Allies in N. Africa

    G. Alexander was given orders from Churchill that his main directive was to destruct German-Italian supplies and establishments in Egypt and Libya. Campaign handed over to G. Montgomery
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    The Russians 1st victory against the Germans
  • Allies push into N. Africa

    British and American forces under G. Eisenhower land in NW Africa and control French Morocco and Algeria.
  • Battle of Alamein

    Montgomery attacks German and Italian troops and chased the routed enemy some 1500 miles across the dessert.
  • Allies take Sicily

  • Allies meet at Tehran

    Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill met to discuss the plans for a simultaneous squeeze on Germany. Roosevelt went along with Stalin's agreement and Churchill was outvoted. The fate of E Europe was decided.
  • Axis surrender N Africa

  • Italy Surrenders

    Mussolini was thrown out of office and Italy agreed to join allies. Germans took control of the Italian army and set Mussolini as head of puppet gov in N Italy, blocking further advancement through Italy.
  • Japanese evicted from Burma

    British forces under G Slim and guerrilla fighting Chindits led by Orde Wingate
  • Leningrad relived

    the siege was lifted by the Soviet Army.
  • Rome liberated

    Allies liberated Rome from the Germans.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Germany's final defensive through the Ardennes region of Belgium(beaten back by allies)
  • D-Day

    Allies attack Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. Planned by G. Eisenhower.
  • Paris Liberated

  • V2 Flying Bombs

    1st V2 Bombs killed 3 people in London.
  • Allies cross the Rhine

  • Death of Roosevelt

    Succeeded by President Truman
  • Russians reach Berlin

  • Mussolini captured and executed

  • Hitler commits suicide

    In his bombproof shelter with his mistress Eva Braun
  • German forces surrender

    In Italy to the Allies
  • German forces surrender

    NW Germany, Holland, and Denmark surrender to Montgomery
  • V.E. Day

    Victory in Europe
  • Churchill looses the Election

  • Atomic bomb dropped of Hiroshima

  • Russia declares war on Japan

    Invaded Japanese-ruled Manchuria
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

  • Japanese surrender

    unconditional surrender to allies ending the 2nd WW
  • MacArthur accepts Japan's surrender

    formally ending the 2nd WW