1794 BCE
Whiskey Rebellion
U.S troops defeat the Shawnee Indians (battle of the fallen timbers) by the river Ohio River. Spain allows U.S troops navigation rights on Mississippi river. -
1790 BCE
First Census
the population total is 700,00 including app African Americans , of the whom of 700,000 were enslaved. -
1789 BCE
U.S govt under the constitution begins.
After the French Revolution began in Paris. Suggestions for addressing the president "Excellency" and "highness". -
Marubury v Madison.
Supreme Court declares its right to review the consittutionality of acts of congress. -
second census
U.S population 5.3 million and including one million Africans Americans of whom 900,000. A new land Act provided credit and low down payments. -
Quasi War
1798- 1800 begin is when France attempts to bribe U.S commissioners in Paris, Sparking the building tension between the nations. -
Bill of rights
The first 10 amendments are added to the Constitutions of Bill of rights -
Alien & sedition acts
political and order deportation of the "dangerous aliens." Jefferson and Madison publish resolutions in oppositions. -
Barbary war begins
Tripoli declares war on U.S Jefferson sends U.S ships to the Mediterranean sea. An anonymous "lady" published The Female Advocate. -
Lousiana Territory
Lousiann territory was purchased from france for 15 million nearlty doubling the size of the U.S. -
Ban slave trade
Embargo act is passed by congress in response to British and French interfernce with U.S. trade
Jefferson orders British warships to leave U.S waterss after British attack Chesapeake. Impressment countinues: approx 1,000 US seamen are pressed annually into British navy. -
Presidential election
The Osage tribe cedes itss lands in Missouri and Arkansas regions to the U.S ships and cargoes in European ports are confiscated by France. -
Third census
Construction of Cumberland Road begins in Maryland : reaches Vandalia Illinois in 1840
Frist stemboat journey is completed. -
War of 1812
Begins as US declares war on Great Britain over issues of borders, trade freedom of the seas, and the rights of nuetrals.
US defreats British in the battle of the lake Eric and the battle of the thames. -
Old southwest.
Alabama and Mississppi teritories is opend to migration of Americans settlers after the defeat of the indian in the creek war.
African methiod -
Presidential eletion
James Montroe and Daniel T are eletesd presiendent and vice Preisendent. James Montroe wins the eletion of presiedent. -
Missouri compromis
Allows adimission of Missouri enters the Union as the 23d state under Missouri Compromis free state -
Fourth Census
U.S population totals 10 million inculding 1.7 million Africans of whom 1.5 million are enslaved population west Appalachin Mts is 2.2 million 6% of americans live in cities. -
Presidential Election
Monroe and Tompkins are re-elected president and vise president.
Missouri enter the uinion as 24th state under the missouri slave state -
Monroe Doctrine
Europe is warned not to interfere in Western Hemisphere affairs Cotton mills begin production in Lowell Massachusetts with water powerd machinery.